Needlessly Alone
Several years ago, I was visiting the Republic of Congo in Africa as a part of an effort to acquire telephone service for the country. (This was long before cell phone technology was as sophisticated as today). While staying in a hotel in Kinshasa I met a businessman who had been trying to get in touch with his company in the U.S. for two weeks, but was unable to get a call through. He felt isolated, and incapable of doing his job. His days were spent in frustration.
I have felt that way myself as a partner with God on earth. I theoretically know that in the great salvation He has given, I am restored to mankind’s role as God’s partners on earth. I conceptually know that He is always present. But often, I practically forget that I am never cut off and isolated. That I have not been sent to do a job with no phone contact.
I find myself burdened over problems that beset me and obstacles that block my path. I too begin to feel inadequate and unqualified to work with him. Frustrated, I spend too much energy trying to find a solution on my own.
Meeting With God
When I finally cry out for help, He reminds me that I am not alone. That He knows all about the situation I’m in and that He is both capable and willing to get involved with a solution He has already thought of. What a relief! I then marvel that it took so long for me to remember the truth.
In the delusion of isolation, life is joyless and frightening. Why not begin every day with a meeting with my Father and boss? After all, this is His business. I was made a partner because He wanted me to enjoy working with him. It could be a short or long meeting, but the purpose is always to lay before Him our problems and hear His strategy.
Casting all your anxieties on him because he cares for you. — I Peter 5:7
He reminds me that if it’s big enough to cause anxiety in me, it’s enough to cast on him.
I have found that it is ok to ask direct and personal questions. I don’t usually doubt that He is incapable of handling the big problems. I mostly doubt that He cares to address the little ones. I mistakenly think I can handle those myself. Then they begin to gnaw away at my sense of peace and drain my joy. He reminds me that if it’s big enough to cause anxiety in me, it’s enough to cast on Him. He delights to show His strength in our behalf.
Feeling alone? Schedule a meeting. Now.