Multiplied Documents the Current State of Evangelism Throughout the World

And the Good News is yielding great news.

By Nancy Flory Published on May 19, 2024

Chris Worthington’s friends tricked him into attending a Hillsong concert when he was a teenager. He didn’t believe in Jesus at the time. In fact, to him, Jesus was like Santa Claus — just a nice, mythical character.

But something happened when he attended the concert.

“I was instantly set free from suicidal depression, like the snap of a finger,” Worthington, now 26, told The Stream. After he encountered Christ, he heard the Lord say, “Make films.”

So he did. 

God Is Moving

“I was interested in evangelism ever since I got saved,” said Worthington. “I always found the concept of evangelism so fascinating — that God would actually entrust us to simply tell this message.” 

So Worthington began traveling the globe — Guatemala, Israel, the Bahamas — and saw God move everywhere he went. He became fascinated with the ministry of legendary evangelist Reinhard Bonnke, who led 79 million Africans to the Lord between 1967 and 2019 — and Bonnke’s successor, evangelist Daniel Kolenda, who is president and CEO of Christ for All Nations and pastor of Nations Church in Florida.

After the deaths of Billy Graham in 2018 and Bonnke a year later, Worthington wondered what would happen to evangelism. So when he was 24, he decided to take a camera and follow Kolenda on his crusades. The result is Multiplied, which will run in theaters nationwide as a Fathom event May 20-21.

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Worthington hears rumors that Christianity is dying. But he’s not seeing that.

“What I found globally is that Christianity is exploding,” he told The Stream. “In the beginning of Multiplied, we see a three-stadium event sell out. Three stadiums across Brazil. Even the president of Brazil showed up. It was crazy. The average age was 24 years old. There were close to 200,000 people at these events, all gathering for one name: Jesus.

“Immediately after that, we went to Nigeria and we went to a 400,000-person Gospel event. Four hundred thousand people in the middle of the bush of Africa, all gathering to hear about Jesus, and tens of thousands giving their lives to Christ. It was a three-night event. Every night, 400,000 people showed up.”

By the way, those events are small by Christ for All Nations standards. “The biggest event they ever reported was 3.2 million people in one night,” Worthington said. “In one night.”

If 3.2 million people showing up for a crusade isn’t a Jesus revolution, Worthington doesn’t know what is. 

Christianity is booming from Africa to China. “I read that Christianity is growing faster in China than anywhere in the world. And that’s all in underground churches,” said Worthington. “You can’t stop the Holy Spirit!”

Supernatural Unity

Something else happens at the evangelism crusades: Christians begin to focus on their commonalities with other believers from different expressions. “On the core precepts of Christianity, they all agree,” Worthington explained. During the events, people put aside small disagreements.

“Even at these crusades, these massive Gospel events in Africa, we’re getting Baptists, Catholics, Ethiopian Orthodox — we’re getting all these people and they’re coming together for the first time and saying, ‘Let’s work together. We’re in this for the same reason.’ At the end of they day, we’re preaching the Gospel. We’re preaching Christ crucified.”

Only God could inspire the supernatural unity Worthington sees throughout the world.

“The story of Christ, the Gospel, is what brings unity,” he said. “We’re all called to go out and be multiplied and preach the Gospel and then see dozens more multiplied, and then dozens more multiplied”  because it isn’t about famous evangelists. “There’s actually a generation of evangelists being raised and multiplied all over the world. God birthed something beautiful, and it’s this new Jesus movement of evangelists. And I’m really excited about it.”

Watch the trailer:


Nancy Flory, Ph.D., is a senior editor at The Stream. You can follow her @NancyFlory3, and follow The Stream @Streamdotorg.

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