Moderate Democrats, Walk Away From Your Radical Hate-Filled Party

By Mike Huckabee Published on July 29, 2020

Even with the anti-Trump media working overtime to cover for the horrendous violence and “peaceful” (sure) demonstrations ruining businesses and lives, there must be some moderate Democrats refusing to be gaslighted, understanding the level of hate driving this chaos, and walking away from their radicalized party.


Speaking of walking away, Brandon Straka, founder of the #WalkAway movement tweeted this on Monday:

“Trump lowered your taxes, built a thriving economy, created opportunity zones. The Democrats, by contrast, are willing to order your businesses shut as long as possible to maximize the virus narrative to push for mail-in voting (aka – fraud). Dem voters – are you getting it yet?”

Those words sound as if they came from Mike Huckabee, but they’re from a former liberal Democrat who saw the light, who gets it, and who I’m pretty sure shares my belief that most people are essentially conservatives and just don’t know it. Some have been lied to for so long — by the media, by teachers, by family and friends — about “evil” America and those “evil” Republicans who actually love this country that they’ve never allowed themselves to dig deeper and discover that this is all projection.

The radicals pointing fingers at us, accusing us of hate and racism, should more accurately be pointing in a mirror. Their party has become all about “identity politics” — in other words, all about race. And the evidence of hate is everywhere. You name it, they hate it. They hate it enough to shine lasers into its eyes and blind it, and not care.

HOW bad is the hatred? Try this.

Why else but for pure, seething hatred would any American WANT to use political violence to tear everything down? Do they really think they’re going to build a wonderful society in its place with free cotton candy and unicorns and perfect racial quotas? No, their focus is mainly on taking power from those they hate for being “evil” and having it for themselves. Never mind that exercising power over a society you have destroyed is like being the King Of Nothing; they don’t see it that way.

Consider the issue of opportunity zones, which benefit everyone in an economically-challenged area. Radical “progressives,” such as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, hate them, and anything else that allows wealthy people to profit along with others. (Of course, that’s why the wealthy invest in the first place.) So she actively works against this and other proposals that would help her district. And she wins because an organized radical group, in her case Justice Democrats, is behind her and also because, traditionally, an “evil” Republican who would work to help that district economically couldn’t get elected dogcatcher.

Seeing the Light

But recent man-on-the-street interviews suggest that some are seeing the light, especially where the police are concerned. As Brandon Straka also tweeted:

“The left has done to this country everything that they feared and dreaded Donald Trump would do when he was elected.”

It’s true. They feared a race-baiting, power-seizing dictator who would create chaos. No one called Trump a racist until the day he came down the escalator at Trump Tower and announced he was running for President. If you look at what both sides have actually done since then, it’s the left that has race-baited, created chaos and torn the country down. They obviously fear doing anything that will benefit America as long as Trump might possibly gain. If anything, Trump has been hesitant to brandish his presidential power and go in to stop the madness that local leaders (again, Democrats) won’t address. Heck, a real dictator would have sent in tanks weeks ago; you know, the way Janet Reno did with the Branch Davidians.

But even Democrats, the ones looking from the outside in, are starting to notice with horrified eyes that the violence isn’t about George Floyd, at least not any more. It seems more and more to be about nothing except raw aggression.

Mike Adams Hounded to Death

Here’s a stunning example of the hate we’re seeing from the left — not violent, but so chilling that I can’t believe some Democrats won’t see this and lament what has happened to their party. Consider the media response to the death last week of university professor Mike Adams. This sensitive column by conservative writer Robert Oscar Lopez on The Stream is a must-read.

University of North Carolina sociology/criminology teacher and Townhall contributor Mike Adams was found dead on July 23; details are sketchy but involve a firearm. There will be an investigation, of course, but suicide looks likely. The friend who called 911 said Adams had been behaving erratically (not dangerously) and had been under a lot of stress in recent weeks.

And why was Adams under stress? Lopez writes that it was due to “the gigantic network of agitators who had tracked his comments for years in hopes of driving him out of his job.” Of course, they went back as far as it took to find comments made by Adams, a conservative Christian, that they could slam. Some of these, for example, had to do with the mental health issues of transgender people, and, by 2020 standards, no one is allowed to say them — or ever to have said them.

After years of abuse, he was finally forced into early retirement at age 55 and was set to retire on August 1. He had negotiated a settlement of $500,000. (“Dollars are precious, but our institutional integrity is priceless,” the school chancellor self-righteously said after the settlement.)

There are two points made by this tragic story; first (and Lopez elaborates on this in his article) is the need to stop the persecution of conservatives and “cancel culture” in academia. The second is the ungodly hate on the left, revealed as they dance on his grave. “Mike Adams was imperfect,” Lopez writes. “…But don’t let him die in vain. He was one of us, and the way he died was wrong. Let’s at least be as decent and respectful to him as the leftists are to their imperfect poster children.”

Consider how respectful we on the right have been after the death of Democrat John Lewis. He said plenty of outrageous things in his time, but we let it go, because we are decent. Now look at a couple of headlines to see how the media reported the death of Mike Adams:

“Professor behind ‘vile’ racist and sexist tweets found dead in his North Carolina home.” — NBC online

“A professor who was known for his racist, misogynistic tweets was found dead in his home.” — BuzzFeed

Moderate Democrats, please see your hate-filled party for what it is and…WALK AWAY.

Violence in Blue Cities Spikes

The violence and lawlessness continue in blue cities around America, so much so that I don’t have time nor space to recount it all. Here’s just a taste…

It’s becoming increasingly obvious that much of what we’re hearing from the media and the Democratic politicians covering for the rioters is an attempt to deny reality that’s crossed into self-delusion. It’s as if they’ve all become that MSNBC reporter who famously declared that the protests were “mostly peaceful” as he was broadcasting from in front of a burning building.

For instance, Rep. Jerrold Nadler can see all sorts of things that aren’t really there, like “Russian collusion” or an impeachable offense in a Presidential courtesy call. But he apparently can’t see a violent riot in front of his face. Journalist Austen Fleccas asked Nadler on video if he would disavow the violence and riots by Antifa in Portland right now. Nadler’s response:

“That… that… that… that’s a myth that’s spreading only in Washington, DC.”

I wonder if he also thinks the violent protests in Washington, DC, were a myth?

I’m sure Rep. Nadler is among the willfully deaf, dumb and blind crowd who insist that the rioters in places like Portland are “peaceful protesters” being bludgeoned and tear-gassed for no reason by federal fascist goons — who wouldn’t even have to be there if the Mayor of Portland hadn’t let the rioting go on for nearly 60 days now, including assaults on federal officers and repeated attempts to destroy the federal courthouse.

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Fortunately, some people are tired of playing along with this dream world. That includes a number of black Americans who are fed up with how a legitimate protest following the death of George Floyd has been hijacked by young, white, anti-American radicals who are only making race relations worse and black neighborhoods more dangerous.

The president of the Portland chapter of the NAACP complained that the protests have lost focus and turned into “a spectacle, a debacle.” Another local black leader complained that they’ve been taken over by violent, “mostly white anarchists,” noting that most black people don’t even live downtown, and their problems, like the need for better schools, are far away and being ignored.

Meet Gabe Johnson

And here is today’s MUST-READ story.

Gabe Johnson is a 48-year-old black Marine veteran who lives in downtown Portland, near the riot scene but far enough away that he assumed from media reports that they were just “peaceful protesters,” with maybe a few typically angry young punks thrown in. Then last weekend, when he was kept awake by the sound of explosions and tear gas started coming in through his A/C vent, he stood up and declared that somebody had to do something.

He thinks of the American flag as a symbol of unity among all people, so the next day, he went to the protest site, hung a couple of flags on a fence and tried to engage protesters in a peaceful dialogue about how to bring people back together. It didn’t go well. They called him the worst kind of racist names, and ripped down his flags and stomped on them. When an older black man grabbed one of his flags and handed it back to him, a “peaceful protester” punched him in the face and ran.

Johnson said he dealt with terrorists overseas and he sees the same tactics being used in Portland: “They’ve got spotters with cameras that will follow you around, and they’ve got their thugs. Those are the guys with the baseball bats. They have people that will intimidate you in Black Lives Matter attire.”

He also noticed a lot of out-of-state license plates and said 99% of the people he did talk to didn’t live in Portland. Johnson says that what he learned is that Antifa has attached itself to the Black Lives Matter movement and taken it over, and the claims that the protests are largely peaceful and the federal officers started the violence are lies.

He said, “It’s beyond me how they can sit there and say that they’re not causing damage or rioting. It’s a riot, and it’s real, and when you are on the front line and you’re looking back into that crowd, it is an angry mob that is built on doing as much destruction as possible.”

He also stressed that he is not a conservative or a Trump supporter, but he is a patriot. And having seen what’s going on with his own eyes, he now believes that Portland Police should use any means necessary, including force, to stop it.

In short, these people have declared war on America. They were just smart enough to pick cities with leaders who were dumb enough not to realize when someone is waging war on them. But the residents are finally figuring it out.

What Happens When the Mob Gets Its Wish

We’re seeing exactly what happens when we give the mob its wish and order the police to stand down. These protesters don’t say, “Well, that’s more like it” and go home; they ramp up the violence because now they figure they can get away with even more.

Law professor Glenn Reynolds of the Instapundit blog has written wisely that the inevitable result of this is not a utopian society with no evil gestapo cops, but vigilante justice. The people will only put up with being terrorized for so long, particularly when the officials they foolishly elected abandon them to the mob and tell them, as the Seattle Police Chief just did, that “we can no longer enforce the law. You are on your own.”

The only responses in such a case range across a spectrum from armed self-defense to neighborhood patrols to gangs to vigilante groups to militias. Do the leftist leaders of these cities really prefer any of those options to police (I exempt Chicago, since they’ve obviously preferred letting gangs run wild to backing the police for years)? As Prof. Reynolds puts it, “In the end, the police aren’t there to protect the public from criminals, they’re there to protect criminals from the public. Communities dealt with crime long before police were invented, usually in rather harsh and low-due-process ways. The bargain was, let the police handle it instead. No police, no bargain.”

All those who accuse the police of not being gentle enough with them when they assault someone or steal or destroy someone’s property really aren’t going to like what happens if the police go away and their victims start dealing directly with the problem themselves.

Sickening and Reprehensible Act

If you’re trying to win people to your cause, this has to be the most sickening, reprehensible, and, fortunately, ineffective way to do it that I’ve ever seen: a 20-year-old man circulating a photo of himself with his knee on the neck of a crying white toddler:

I’m relieved to hear that the child involved is unharmed and that the idiot allegedly responsible was arrested. An investigation is also underway of a teacher (!) who allegedly commented on the photo on Facebook by profanely encouraging worse violence against white children. That teacher should never be allowed in a classroom with any power over children of any color ever again.


Mike Huckabee is the former governor of Arkansas and longtime conservative commentator on issues in culture and current events. A New York Times best-selling author, he hosts the weekly talk show Huckabee on TBN.

Originally published at Reprinted with permission.

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