Mocking the Mockers: How the Crucified One Disarmed the Rulers and Authorities

By Dudley Hall Published on June 19, 2015

DUDLEY HALL — “He disarmed the rulers and authorities and put them to open shame, by triumphing over them in him.” (Colossians 2:15 ESV)

The Jewish and Roman authorities thought they had successfully solved the problem brought about by the popular teacher/miracle worker. They became mockers of “The King of the Jews.” Unknowingly, they (the authorities) had been manipulated. The Jewish leaders were under the control of deceived spirits. They had chosen to reject truth and had been given over to the alternative deception that is always the judgment on those rejecting truth. This deception is supported by the demons who work for the father of lies, the devil.

Although they thought they were acting in their own liberty, they were pawns of evil forces. The Jews at that time were manipulating the Roman authorities to get rid of this troublemaker, Jesus. Of course we all know the Roman authorities were deceived, as evidenced by their profession that Caesar was god. So we see two major forces converging to eradicate what they thought was their problem.

They took Jesus and mocked him. They put mocking robes on him and a mocking crown on his head. They stripped him naked and exposed him to the watching world as a supposed fraud. He died. They congratulated themselves for a job well done. However, being unaware of the dynamics of the spiritual world’s reality that day, they couldn’t see what was really happening. Instead of Jesus being stripped of his clothing and dignity, it was the illegitimate authorities who were exposed.

Thinking they had won, they lost. By dying, Jesus paid the debt of sin owed by sinners and ripped the power of punishment from the Law. Satan could no longer legitimately accuse according to justice. Justice had been served, and Jesus fulfilled its demands on our behalf. Now the requirements the Jews were using to condemn others and justify themselves were exposed as useless. But that is not all. By rising from the dead, Jesus defeated death itself and ripped its threat from the hands of the devil.

Since therefore the children share in flesh and blood, he himself likewise partook of the same things, that through death he might destroy the one who has the power of death, that is, the devil, and deliver all those who through fear of death were subject to lifelong slavery. (Hebrews 2:14-15 ESV)

Their schemes turned out to be not only unsuccessful but also self-destructive. Demonic powers were exposed and defeated. They are still around, but as “in Christ” people we have the authority of the victorious Christ to use against them. The Jews lost everything within a generation. In 70 AD, the Roman army destroyed the city, the temple, the priesthood, and the record of lineage. Then the Roman authority began to crumble and finally toppled. Both stand as monuments testifying they were actually frauds. The real authority was the one on the cross. To all physical eyes, Jesus looked like the victim. He was actually the victor.

We are reminded of the fact that, unless we take into account what is going on in the spiritual realm, we can’t accurately discern reality. It also comforts us to know that we are never victims when we walk in him. Because he has defeated the powers behind the powers, we can enforce his victory as we invade the spheres of influence in our world.

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