Minno: A New Digital Media Resource for Parents Who Will Raise the Next Generation of Christians
The Minno digital platform is packed with faith-based kidsβ shows. βItβs sort of like Netflix for Christian kids.β

If you have a child between the ages of 2 and 12 you’ll want to listen up. Minno, a faith-based digital platform, a children’s book publisher and a site with advice for parents just rolled out last week. Minno’s CEO, Erick Goss, described the digital platform as a “Netflix for Christian kids,” in an interview with The Stream.
Minno’s name comes from John 15:4-5: “Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me.” The word “abide” is Meno in the Greek. Minno comes from that. “That’s what we really hope for and long for for families,” said Erick, “that they’ll learn to experience Christ in their day-to-day lives.” It’s something Erick wants to be reminded of. “Life is not about sort of productivity and outcomes, but it’s really about what does it mean to abide and experience Jesus and to participate in what He’s doing versus what we want to do.”
Digital Platform
Minno has a large catalog of faith-based videos for children, including all the classic Veggie Tales shows. “We find that a lot of our subscribers are excited about that because many of them grew up on Veggie Tales and now have the ability to share it with their kids,” said Erick.
With all of the videos, Minno is about “what [we can] do to help kids recognize that God loves them, but that He also wants to participate with them in sort of creating the world that He wants to see.” Minno has videos that demonstrate what it means to live out the Christian faith and how God is relevant in their daily lives.
Christian Book Publisher
Minno also has a Christian children’s book publishing unit. The most notable book they’ve published thus far is the “Laugh and Learn Bible” for kids written by Veggie Tales creator Phil Vischer. ‘That’s really off to a great start,” said Erick. “It’s a best-selling children’s Bible at Amazon already.”
Minno Life
Minno Life is a parent resource center on the website GoMinno.com, “which is really about providing parents the resources that they need to help parent kids in today’s culture, which is ever-evolving and becoming more and more challenging.” During the research phase, Erick talked with parents about entertainment options. They asked for guidance and resources to help raise their kids in a Christian environment. “So we’ve gathered experts in parenting from a Christian point of view and put together little downloadable white papers as well as blog resources. That way, parents can find advice on key issues that they’re confronting today as they’re raising their children.”
Why Minno?
Erick discovered that Christian retail was no longer a great platform for kid’s entertainment. He recognized that Christian parents were no longer going to have easy access to Christian shows or shows from a Christian worldview. It was “primarily because most of the major platforms in the world turned into streaming and subscription video on demand. Christian parents would be dependent on those platforms for carrying Christian programs or Christian shows.”
Erick said big technology companies “really have no interest in providing access to shows from a Christian point of view.” The only alternative was to create their own platform. “A lot of parents were struggling to find great resources that were relevant. They’re out there, but they’re not necessarily well organized or well curated. That’s where we thought Minno could solve that problem for parents.”
Minno currently has more than 20,000 subscribers and they’re growing in triple digits percentage year over year. They’re in 40 countries globally. “We really want to provide the go-to resource for Christian families to be able to find the type of programming and the type of resources that they need to really raise up the next generation of Christians.”
Watch Erick explain Minno: