#MeToo Must Transcend Politics to Succeed
Sexual Assault Awareness Month should be more than making society aware that horrible things are happening to women.
As the #MeToo movement has rightfully taken hold of this nation and outed powerful men in every industry for their disgusting use and abuse of women, this question needs to be asked: How far into the abuse of women will the movement go? How much are they willing to uncover? Where will that line be for women who have been assaulted and abused?
The question is relevant because social movements must go beyond politics to succeed. Yet today’s world is so divided over the left and the right, pro-this or anti-that. It’s a line that threatens to stop a movement that needs to go into the darkest places and uncover the truth.
We’re Making History — But Some Groups Don’t Care
April has been deemed Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month. History has already been made in April as Backpage.com, a website known best for its ease of use for sex traffickers of women and children, has been shut down by the federal government.
This is more than a good thing — it is needed for the protection of women and children. According to The New York Times, Backpage was involved in 73 percent of the cases involving child sex traffickers, one of which tattooed his initials on a 13-year-old’s eyelids. A U.S. Senate report indicates that Backpage.com not only let sex traffickers use the site to make money off their victims, but helped sex traffickers and pimps skirt the law and actually hide from law enforcement trying to prosecute them.
The Women’s March, mostly funded and promoted by Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion vendor, tweeted their anger at Backpage being shut down:
“The shutting down of #Backpage is an absolute crisis for sex workers who rely on the site to safely get in touch with clients. Sex workers rights are women’s rights. Follow@SafeSpacesDC @melissagira @swopusa @KateDAdamo @supporthosechi@anaorsomething for more info.”
. The shutting down of #Backpage is an absolute crisis for sex workers who rely on the site to safely get in touch with clients. Sex workers rights are women’s rights. Follow @SafeSpacesDC @melissagira @swopusa @KateDAdamo @supporthosechi @anaorsomething for more info. https://t.co/S3Orx3aM8Z
— Women's March (@womensmarch) April 7, 2018
Lies We Tell Women
Our society has forgotten what it looks like to truly protect women. Sex work is dangerous, physically and emotionally. Many women who have been trafficked are forced to get abortions so they can keep “working.”
Abortion is dangerous, physically and emotionally. I worked at Planned Parenthood for eight years. We told women that in order to be empowered, they should have the right to kill another human being. It’s not only Planned Parenthood though. It is this society, this media, this culture.
We have told women that having a career is more important than motherhood. We have broken down our natural instincts and traded them for a perverse ideology that says women should behave like men. We have treated sex as a recreational sport and have forgotten that it is a sacred act.
We have sold our souls for this idea of “independence,” but have forgotten that we were created to be with one another. To love. To support. To encourage. We are not meant to do life alone.
#MeToo Must Go Further
Confusion. Deception. Chaos. Division. Lies have become truth. Truth has become lies. Evil has become good. Good has become evil.
To truly love is to be selfless, to protect another, to never give up in searching for and proclaiming the truth.
Sexual Assault Awareness Month should be more than making society aware that horrible things are happening to women. The #MeToo movement needs to go further than the C-suite offices and TV studios. They need to confront organizations like Planned Parenthood and the Women’s March who are feeding women lies about empowerment and independence. Women need encouragement and love and support — not organizations who tell them to turn against their own nature and bodies to find truth and independence. It’s not there and it won’t ever be there.
Abby Johnson is president of And Then There Were None and author of Unplanned.