Memo to Ruling Class: Jeffrey Epstein Didn’t Kill Himself

Jeffrey Epstein didn’t kill himself. This fact, which no serious person denies, marks a new era in the unfolding of the Sexual Revolution. For years, we have been told that the Sexual Revolution was part of the March of History into a glorious day of progress, peace and pleasure for everyone. We ordinary folk can now say without doubt to the members of the Elite Ruling Class who have been foisting this nonsense on us: you aren’t fooling us anymore.
In my book, The Sexual State, I offer several possible reasons why the Elites of society are so invested in promoting the Sexual Revolution. Some are just ideologues. Some are making money from the Sexual Revolution. Some enjoy the power rush they get from being part of a movement to remake the world in their own image.
A Simpler Explanation
Here is an even simpler explanation. Some rich and powerful people want to have sex without consequences or even inconvenience. The Sexual Revolutionary ideology and all the policies that support it, provide these people with encouragement or cover or both.
I did not emphasize this point very much in my book. It is generally bad manners to assume bad faith, unless the evidence is overwhelming. The evidence is now overwhelming. Some highly placed advocates of the Sexual Revolution just wanted to get laid.
Stephen Reinhart, “the Liberal Lion,” was the Chief Justice of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. Under his reign, the Sexual Revolutionaries could count on the Ninth Circuit for favorable reinterpretations of law. One of his former law clerks recently revealed he had a pattern of sexual harassment of his female subordinates. Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein made numerous films that implicitly or explicitly supported the Sexual Revolution or attacked the Catholic Church or both. We now know that he was a notorious predator, pervert and sex addict, thankfully consigned to prison for the next 23 years.
“Jeffrey Epstein didn’t kill himself.” Whenever you see that meme, understand what the people of this country are telling you. We don’t trust you.
Speaking of the Catholic Church, the disgraced former cardinal, now Mr. Theodore McCarrick, was big on promoting Catholic teaching on “social justice.” Church teaching on sexual morality: not so much. In fact, McCarrick downplayed to the point of suppressing an instruction from Pope Benedict XVI telling the U.S. clergy that they ought to take a tougher stand on pro-abortion, self-proclaimed “Catholic” politicians. The pope wrote a letter that then-Cardinal McCarrick failed to deliver. Who would have thought? A sexual predator (a homosexual predator, to be sure) dragged his feet about proclaiming Church teaching on abortion.
And speaking of homosexual predators, what about Terry Bean? You remember him, don’t you? He was the Democratic fundraiser and gay rights activist who has been accused of sexual abuse of boys.
Do You Expect Us to Believe He Killed Himself?
And then of course, there is Jeffrey Epstein himself, the proprietor of an island for sex slavery for his rich and powerful friends. Gosh, isn’t it sad that he killed himself?
Seriously, members of the Elite Ruling Class, do you expect us to believe Jeffrey Epstein killed himself? Some wags in Le Krewe d’Etat created a Mardi Gras float featuring Hilary Clinton strangling Jeffrey Epstein. This “disturbing” float attracted attention all the way across the pond in the U.K. press. A Denver story even has an amateur video.
Memo to Sexual Revolutionary Elites: We don’t believe Jeffrey Epstein killed himself.
Your corporations blast pornography into the public square. Your sports leagues groom young girls to think sex with strangers is empowering. Your “educators” and politicians inflict graphic sexual “education” on children, against the wishes of their parents. This “educational material” is so graphic, the live broadcast of the Washington State legislative debates included a warning label: “Mature Subject Matter — Viewer Discretion Advised.” Yet the legislature voted it into the classroom of every public school in the State of Washington.
Your allies in higher education conscript generations of college students as shock troops for the Sexual Revolution. You divert their attention from your shameless exploitation and keep them focused on your preferred scapegoats the “Religious Right.” You have used your microphone in the media to cover up Epstein’s crimes. You are seemingly more concerned about who leaked the cover-up story, than about the cover-up itself.
In the Court of Public Opinion, We Have Reached a Verdict
You notice how I said “seemingly.” That is an old habit. I generally avoid making rash statements that I cannot prove. But in an environment of massive cover-up and deception that includes seemingly (there’s that word again) every institution in society, certainty is no longer possible. I’m not in a court of law where I have to prove your crimes beyond a reasonable doubt. I am in the court of Public Opinion. And we have reached a verdict on the Ruling Class and the Sexual Revolution.
We believe you are capable of any crime, including murder, rape, pedophilia and perjury. You have abused our good will. We believe you, the Elite Ruling Class, are using every institution of society to embolden predators and disarm victims.
You have used up the benefit of the doubt. We will give a respectful hearing to internet conspiracy theories we would have dismissed only a short time ago. When in doubt about sexual crimes or cover-ups by the Ruling Class, the presumption goes against you. In a pinch, all ties go to the guy in the tinfoil hat, not the guy in the designer business suit. As Michael Brendan Dougherty put it: we believe paranoia stands to reason.
“Jeffrey Epstein didn’t kill himself.” Whenever you see that meme, understand what the people of this country are telling you. We don’t trust you. We don’t believe you. And you have only yourselves to blame.
Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D., is the founder and President of the Ruth Institute. She writes about love, marriage, sexuality and the family.