Matthew McConaughey Urges Graduates to Avoid Victim Mentality, Entitlement Trap
Matthew McConaughey gave this year’s commencement speech at the University of Houston.
The Oscar-winning actor talked about “some things I’ve learned along my journey — mostly from experience, some I heard in passing, many I’m still practicing, but all of them, true.”
Here’s his first two of his 13 life lessons:
1. Life’s not easy
Number 1, life’s not easy … don’t try and make it that way. It’s not fair, it never was, it isn’t now, it won’t ever be. Do not fall into the entitlement trap of feeling you are a victim, you are not. Get over it and get on with it. And yes, most things are more rewarding when you break a sweat to get ’em.
2. “Unbelievable” is the stupidest word in the dictionary
It shouldn’t ever come out of our mouths.
To say, “What an unbelievable play!” It was an unbelievable book, film, act of courage … really?
It may be spectacular, phenomenal, most excellent and outstanding… but unbelievable? NO. Give others and yourself more credit. It just happened, you witnessed it, you just did it, believe it.
How about the other side of unbelievable? When we humans “under perform” or act OUT of character? — “man flies a suicide jet into the World Trade Center, millions die from diseases that we have cures for, Bob the builder swears he’ll have your house built by Thanksgiving and you can’t move in ’til Christmas, THE NEXT YEAR…” Our best friend lies to us, and WE, lie to our self, all the time…unbelievable? I don’t think so. Again, it just happened, and it happens everyday …
NOTHING we homosapien earthlings do is unbelievable — one thing you can depend on people being … is people. So we shouldn’t be surprised, we are the trickiest mammal walking the planet! (It ain’t the monkeys I’m worried about, it’s you and me.)
Acknowledge acts of greatness as real, and do NOT be naive about mankind’s capacity for evil nor be in denial of our own shortcomings.
NOTHING we do is unbelievable. Stupid word. Un-be-lievably stupid word.
McConaughey went on to lay out several more inspirational, motivational “can’t believe I’m hearing that from a Hollywood actor” lessons for the appreciative graduates.
You can read the remainder of his 13 life lessons at Time magazine: McConaughey Commencement Address.
Be advised, at times during his speech, McConaughey’s language does turn salty.