How Is Martin Luther King, Jr’s Dream Doing Today?
52 years ago today, Martin Luther King Jr uttered those famous words: “I have a dream.”
King shared a dream that we would be judged each other by the content of our character rather than the color of their skin. Today, social media users shared their thoughts on how we’re doing advancing this dream.
I wanted to see how people thought we were doing. Was America making his dream a reality? So, I asked:
Today is the anniversary of Martin Luther King, Jr's #IHaveADream speech. How are we doing?
— Amelia (@AmeliaHammy) August 27, 2015
Judging by the responses, the fight is far from over:
@AmeliaHammy @DLoesch Thanks to Obama we are going backwards
— VolFanMike (@VolFanMike1) August 27, 2015
@AmeliaHammy @DLoesch Great tweet! I thought I was the only one that knew. He's looking down from heaven with a sad face I imagine.
— Dr. Tim Chastain LetsgoBrandon (@TimsunTim) August 27, 2015
Watch the full speech here and be inspired. What’s your dream for America?