Man Who Helped Ex-Lesbian Christian Mom Escape Country With Her Daughter Sees Devious Agenda in Ongoing Case
Philip Zodhiates says the precedent-setting case he's in will pave the way for legitimized adult-child sex.

Philip Zodhiates spent 28 months in a federal prison for driving an ex-lesbian Christian mom and her daughter to New York from Virginia. He’s completed his sentence and probation, but is being sued civilly for helping the woman and her abused child escape from her abuser. The mother, Lisa Miller, is a former lesbian turned Christian who fled the country to shield her daughter from what she felt was a dangerous homosexual lifestyle at the hands of her former abusive lesbian partner. Zodhiates and others helped the woman and her daughter leave the country. For more background, see here, here and here.
Zodhiates now claims that the civil case in which he is involved will pave the way for legitimizing adult-child sex. It’s an agenda the plaintiff’s attorneys had all along, although they were not forthcoming with their actual intent.
Judge Suppressed Evidence Regarding Abuse
Why does he think this? During the criminal trial, the judge would not allow the defense to discuss the sexual abuse of the child by the former partner of Miller. Zodhiates stated that he does not believe that the former partner has denied the allegations, but that the court wouldn’t let it go that far, anyway. “We have discovered that it is really an agenda of pushing adult-child sex, legitimization of adult-child sex. And this is really what they have in mind, because in all the cases, all the court cases, they totally suppressed any evidence. We weren’t even allowed to bring it up in court. Any evidence of abuse. And there is, in the statute under which we were convicted, there is an affirmative defense that says a parent has every right to leave the country if their child was being abused in any manner. And Isabella Miller, Lisa Miller’s daughter, was being abused both emotionally and sexually [by Miller’s former partner]. And so she had every right to leave the country with her child.”
The Agenda is Clear
Zodhiates expects the civil case to go to court in 2025. “But we don’t really know. I mean, there’s been a lot of holdups and so forth. So, in the meanwhile, we’d like to get the word out, this is really their agenda and this is what they have in mind. And it’s become very clear.”
The Southern Poverty Law Center is pushing that agenda hard, said Zodhiates. “They are behind this case 100%. They’ve got a whole army of lawyers working on it.” In the past, the SPLC’s founder stated that the SPLC only took precedent-setting cases. “Well, if this is a precedent-setting case, that is the only precedent that they’re going to be setting is to legitimize adult-child sex.”
Zodhiates added, “You know, 25 years ago nobody would’ve believed it. Nobody would believe that. Now we’re on the verge of legitimizing and maybe even legalizing adult-child sex, but that’s where it’s headed.”
It’s Not About Him
By now, Isabella Miller is a grown woman. She’s taken herself off the case as a petitioner. She was listed as a petitioner by Miller’s former partner, who is suing Zodhiates and others. The case, however, is not about Zodhiates. “It’s not about me, it’s not about other defendants. This is about our children and grandchildren who we need to protect.”
What You Can Do
Zodhiates wants people to contact their legislators, talk to others about the agenda and post it on social media. “We need to create as much awareness as possible across the spectrum. And it’s very important. This is an issue that transcends political lines, ideologies, even in the homosexual community [there are people] that absolutely oppose what’s going on. And so this is an issue that can really take hold and start an absolute public backfire or outrage. And I’m praying that that will happen. And, that’s what I’m doing β is trying to make people aware.
“If there’s enough public pressure, then [the plaintiffs] cannot, or they will not, be able to withhold the evidence of sexual abuse in this case, which is what they’re going to try to do because they want to frame it as a gay rights issue. Nothing could be further from the truth. This is not a gay rights issue. This is all about legitimizing adult-child sex.”
To find out more information about the case, go to 419 Fund and for Zodhiates’ prison blog.
Nancy Flory, Ph.D., is a senior editor at The Stream. You can follow her @NancyFlory3, and follow The Stream @Streamdotorg.