Living With Tilted Heads — Listening
Have you ever noticed that when you speak to a dog, it will often tilt its head to the side as if it is trying to understand you? It’s the cutest thing in the world. I have no idea what their brains comprehend, but their body language says, I’m listening and really trying to understand what you’re saying!”
We know that dogs, birds, and a few other animals can match enough sounds to respond to commands such as “sit” or stay.” Pets often seem to know their own names. Yet when we say a similar-sounding word with the same voice inflection, they are easily fooled. You can tell an obedient dog to “stray” with the same tone as “stay,” and the dog will not know the difference.
Many people are as uncomprehending as animals when it comes to hearing the Holy Spirit. We can be tone-deaf to God, even though we know He’s speaking to us. We don’t know when to “stay” and when to “stray,” because we cannot distinguish between that “still small voice of God” and other spiritual influences. In fact, we often cannot tell the difference between a spiritual sound and our own thoughts. Through the prophet Isaiah, God said that people “walk in the way which is not good, following their own thoughts.” (Isaiah 65:2, NASB)
When I see a dog tilting its head to the side, yearning to understand the words of its master, I see the posture that we must take with our Master, our Father and our God. We must live with “tilted heads,” seeking not only to hear God but also to understand what He is saying. As believers, we must seek to hear and know God’s truth but also seek to have understanding.
Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived and the writer of Proverbs, repeatedly said that wisdom that comes from above is understanding. He affirmed the idea that we can gain godly wisdom, if only we will learn to hear.
Tune your ears to wisdom, and concentrate on understanding.
Cry out for insight, and ask for understanding.
Search for them as you would for silver; seek them like hidden treasures.
Then you will understand what it means to fear the LORD, and you will gain knowledge of God.
For the LORD grants wisdom!
From his mouth come knowledge and understanding. (Proverbs 2:2-6 NLT)
If you want your faith to grow, you must learn to hear. How do you hear? Through the Word of God. In the book of Romans, we are taught that “faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ.“ (Romans 10:17, NIV).
His Word is available for you to read, to study, and to pray for understanding (which comes through the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit). Its easy for most of us to find God’s words, which are available in many translations. However, it takes effort to actually hear the Word. It is not enough just to listen to the audible sound, like a dog tilting its head at the sound of its masters voice, or Just to read the written Word; we must actually comprehend the meaning in order to truly hear. We must understand what Christ is saying to us. I have asked God to help me live with my head continually tilted and with a sincere desire to hear clearly and to understand.
When Betty and I look back over the growth of our three children, one of the most comforting realities is that I continually sought not only to give directions and instructions to our children, but I really did seek to give them understanding. I wanted them to know why it was important for them to stay within the boundaries.
As an example, I wanted them to know why they shouldn’t play in the street. It wasn’t a matter of Betty or me trying to limit their joy and pleasure but rather to extend it by keeping them out of danger. I’ll never forget driving toward our home one day when the kids noticed some pancake-shaped, flattened frogs on the road. They reacted to the gruesome sight, and said, “See, that s why you don’t play in the street!
Who would have thought that dead frogs could become an illustration to impart understanding to children? But God wants us to comprehend His truth and grasp as much of His nature as possible. As humans, we are limited in our natural abilities, but God is not limited in His supernatural possibilities. Creation bears witness to His truth. We can hear it and live it, but we must live with tilted heads, seeking understanding from God.
From James Robison, God of All Creation: Life Lessons from Pets and Wildlife,
Waterbrook Press, 2012. Used by permission.