‘Little House on the Prairie’ Author’s Name Scrubbed From Award Due to ‘Racist Content’
Popular children’s writer Laura Ingalls Wilder’s name has been scrubbed from an author award that once honored her.
The Association for Library Service to Children voted on Saturday to rename the Laura Ingalls Wilder Award to the Children’s Literature Legacy Award, according to its website.
A background document on the decision discusses “the value of [Wilder’s] books.” It also declares the books “have painful racist content” based on her depictions of black and Native American people, reported Fox News.
Wilder was the author of the widely read Little House on the Prairie series, a collection of semi-autobiographical children’s novels about her childhood on the frontier in the 1870s. The Washington Post reported the association has given the award with her name since 1954.
“Ending the Laura Ingalls Wilder Award and establishing a new award allows for a cleaner break between past and future,” wrote the document’s authors.
The association announced it was considering changing the name of the award on Feb. 11, reported The Washington Post.
According to Fox News, the official vote on the name change resulted in a standing ovation at the association’s conference in New Orleans.
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