Liberals, Why is Murdering a Newborn the ‘Right to Choose’ 5 Minutes Earlier?

By Nancy Flory Published on July 5, 2016

As someone who’s faced an unexpected pregnancy — and now has a rambunctious two-year-old — I came across two stories in the last week that stopped me cold. As I explained in an earlier article, I faced uncertainty, financial hardships and downright fear when I discovered I was pregnant. I know what it’s like not to know what the future holds, not to know how I’m going to buy food for my children, to know I’m going to lose my car and go for months without gainful employment, all while unexpectedly pregnant. So I can speak with candor about the two mothers who made headlines this week regarding what they chose to do when faced with an unexpected pregnancy.

Chelsea Handler — A Case Study in Irresponsibility and Denial

The 41-year-old comedian Chelsea Handler revealed that she had two abortions when she was sixteen, and doesn’t regret either. Not only does she not regret them, she claims that “when it was over, I was relieved in every possible way.” Relief is understandable. She was sixteen and, like any other teen, didn’t want to face the consequences of her actions. For her, an abortion meant things would go back to the way they were — and they did. She became pregnant for the second time in one year, by the same guy, and repeated the atrocity of snuffing out the life of her unborn baby.

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Comedian Chelsea Handler speaks onstage during the ‘Chelsea Does’ panel discussion at the Netflix portion of the 2015 Summer TCA Tour at The Beverly Hilton Hotel on July 28, 2015 in Beverly Hills, California. (Photo by Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images)

What is most disturbing, however, is her continued callousness and lack of remorse as a 41-year-old for killing her two babies. “We all make mistakes all the time,” Handler said. “I happened to f*** up twice at the age of 16. I’m grateful that I came to my senses and was able to get an abortion legally without risking my health or bankrupting myself or my family.” She added in a macabre fashion, “I don’t ever look back and think, God, I wish I’d had that baby.”

To be fair, she describes herself as irresponsible for having become pregnant twice unintentionally, but quickly downplayed that by conceding that “it’s still necessary to make a thoughtful decision.”

Sadly, it’s the conception of her two babies that she describes as “irresponsible,” while her abortions were “thoughtful.”

Her chilling essay — published in Playboy magazine — typifies the irresponsible and selfish pro-abortion climate in which we find ourselves.

Emile Weaver — Having Too Much Fun to Stop for Parenthood

An Ohio judge this week sentenced sorority girl Emile Weaver to life in prison without parole for throwing away her newborn baby girl after giving birth in her sorority house’s restroom. The 20-year-old texted her boyfriend following the child’s death, saying, “No more baby,” and “taken care of.”

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Emile Weaver, center, standing next to her attorney Aaron Miller, left, looks toward the gallery while addressing the court during her sentencing Monday, June 27, 2016, in Muskingum County Common Pleas Court in Zanesville, Ohio.

Prosecutors made the case that Weaver knew all along she wasn’t going to keep the baby and engaged in risky behaviors such as drinking, smoking marijuana and playing in a volleyball tournament while pregnant, reported The Blaze.

Although she apologized during her trial for killing her child and testified that she thought the baby was dead before she put her in the trash, she made legal moves to plead not guilty by reason of insanity and, after the trial, vowed that she would appeal.

The judge did not believe that she was remorseful and handed down the stiff sentence.

What Gives, Liberals?

Matt Walsh wrote an insightful article about clear inconsistencies within the liberal camp over abortion rights and infanticide titled, Liberals, This Girl is in Jail for Aborting Her Newborn. Why Won’t You Defend Her? In it, he asks compelling questions:

Why is a woman sitting in prison for killing a baby in the same country that proclaims baby murder as the sacred right of all women? Why is Weaver branded a killer in the same country that brands [Chelsea] Handler a hero? What are the actual moral and scientific differences between Weaver’s choice, which our culture considers criminal, and Handler’s choice, which our culture celebrates as empowering and liberating?

Indeed, what are the differences? Inquiring minds want to know. A matter of minutes separated Handler’s choice and Weaver’s. Walsh points out that legal consequences for abortionists who perform illegal partial-birth abortions are minor; mothers who do the same thing just after the child has fully exited the womb are branded criminals and charged as such. For Walsh, the sameness of the crimes doesn’t warrant an explanation:

It should be obvious to anyone who thinks about this for even a moment that either that doctor is just as guilty as that mother, or that mother is just as innocent as that doctor.

Is it inappropriate to ask why there’s such a strong delineation between fully formed preborn children and those who’ve exited the womb? What makes life valuable only seconds after it was worthless?

Please don’t misunderstand. I’m not defending Weaver in the least. Weaver’s actions justified the criminal charges. But, then again, how are Handler’s actions any different? Both took at least one life — that of their own flesh and blood. If one is a criminal, why isn’t the other? If one is innocent, why not the other? For those horrific actions I ask liberals, where is the consistency in that?

Life: Too Precious to Waste

Life is immeasurably precious. He formed us in our mother’s womb (Is. 49:5), he knew us before we were born (Jer. 1:5), and he named us while we were still a fetus (Is. 49:1). Like the ads say, but wait, there’s more — babies are actually a reward created by God:

Lo, sons are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward (Ps. 127:3).

For thou didst form my inward parts, thou didst knit me together in my mother’s womb (Ps. 139:13).

For those who have had an abortion or taken the lives of their newborns, there is forgiveness with repentance. There but for the grace of God go I. I have been blessed beyond belief by my little one and can’t imagine life without him. I’m so happy I chose life. But know this: for those who didn’t, the child will not be forgotten:

Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should have no compassion on the son of her womb? Even these may forget, yet I will not forget you (Is. 49:15).

Like any other of us sinners, Chelsea Handler and Emile Weaver are offered forgiveness. My prayer is that they will receive it.

How great is the mercy of the Lord, and his forgiveness for those who turn to him! (Sirach 17:29 RSV.)

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