Leftists Aren’t Happy With This Religious Freedom Ad on YouTube
Leftists aren’t happy with YouTube approving of a pro-religious freedom advertisement that sometimes came before pro-LGBT videos on the website.
The news broke in a Forbes article on Monday that YouTube placed ads asking for support for a pro-religious freedom cause before videos on LGBT and left-wing channels on the world’s most popular video hosting platform.
“Hey @TeamYouTube do you mind explaining why I’m receiving LITERAL ANTI-LGBT organization advertisements now?” Shannon Taylor, a YouTuber, wrote in a tweet on May 29.
The ad Taylor wrote about shows Washington-based florist Barronelle Stutzman describing the history behind her being sued by the state of Washington for refusing to make a floral arrangement for a gay wedding.
“My faith also teaches me that marriage is a sacred union between a man and woman,” Stutzman said in the video, hosted on the Alliance Defending Freedom’s (ADF) channel.
ADF is a Christian conservative nonprofit organization that aims to advocate and train individuals on the issues of “religious freedom, sanctity of life, and marriage and family.”
The ad also played before left-wing personality Samantha Bee’s “Full Frontal” video, according to a screenshot a Twitter user posted.
One content creator, Chase Ross, a biological female who identifies as male, said she feared for her account’s future. Ross said the presence of the ads coupled with YouTube’s demonetization policies will ruin her income from YouTube.
“I posted my 5 years post-op top surgery video yesterday and it was demonetized instantly the second I added the word Transgender in the title … My content on trans issues being restricted makes me feel so unwelcome on a platform that the LGBT+ community helped form,” Ross said, according to the Forbes article.
“I’m terrified. I’ve known 3 trans creators who have had their entire channels deleted, without strikes, so when my channel received a strike, I was terrified, and I still am!” Ross added. “The anti-LGBT ads is just another stab and it really hurts.”
The ADF ad comes before a similar case the U.S. Supreme Court voted on Monday. The court voted in favor of Colorado cake artist Jack Phillips in Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission. The decision did not rule on whether a business owner can deny, in this case, making a cake for a gay wedding if he or she believes it goes against their religion.
Instead, the Supreme Court decided the Colorado Civil Rights Commission violated the bakeshop owner’s First Amendment rights by having an anti-religious bias, the Associated Press reported.
Justice Anthony Kennedy said in December the commissioner seemed “neither tolerant nor respectful of Mr. Phillips’ religious beliefs.”
Stutzman said if she loses in court, she will “likely lose everything. The penalties and attorney’s fees could be well over a million dollars. My business would be gone, my husband and I would lose our home and our retirement.”
Follow Kyle on Twitter @KylePerisic. Send tips to kyle@dailycallernewsfoundation.org
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