LEAKS: Podesta Discusses ‘Dumping’ Hillary Emails After NYT Report
Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman John Podesta suggested the campaign would have to “dump” Clinton’s emails “sooner rather than later,” the same day a New York Times article publicizing the existence of her private email server.
The suggestion was revealed Tuesday in the latest release of Podesta emails by the online hactivist group WikiLeaks.
“Not to sound like Lanny, but we are going to have to dump all those emails so better to do so sooner than later,” Podesta says in an email to Clinton adviser Cheryl Mills.
Podesta doesn’t specify what emails he is referring to, but the email was sent late March 2, 2015, the same day a major New York Times story revealed the existence of Clinton’s private server to the general public. It’s also not clear what Podesta meant with regards to “dumping” the emails, since it could be interpreted as a request to delete them or to turn them over to authorities or the general public.
Two days later, Clinton’s emails were subpoenaed by the House Select Committee on Benghazi. On March 9, Platte River Networks, the company handling Clinton’s server, received a request to preserve Clinton’s emails.
But according to documents released by the FBI in September, a Platte River Networks employee said in an interview he had an “oh s***” moment between March 25 and 31, when he realized he hadn’t deleted Clinton’s email archive after a request from Mills the previous December. The employee said he then used Bleachbit to erase the entire archive as thoroughly as possible.
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