Comic Actor Larry David a Hit with SNL Portrayal of Bernie Sanders

By Amelia Hamilton Published on October 19, 2015

During last week’s Democratic Party debate, social media couldn’t help but notice a striking resemblance between Bernie Sanders and television writer and actor Larry David. Well, dreams do come true. Last night, David stopped by Saturday Night Live, portraying Sanders in a sketch parodying the debate.

His impression was spot-on, and the jokes had the crowd howling. “I’m the only candidate up here who’s not a billionaire. I don’t have a super PAC, I don’t even have a backpack. I carry my stuff loose in my arms.”

Also drawing laughs from the audience, Kate McKinnon’s Hillary Clinton, who at one point reacts to a “Sanders” class warfare rant by asking the audience, “Wait a minute, do you all like this?” and expressing bemusement that Sanders somehow is allowed to curse in public when she isn’t.

The actual Bernie Sanders joined ABC’s The Week where he said he was thrilled with the sketch. Of David’s portrayal, he said, “I think we’ll use Larry at our next rally. He does better than I do.”

The SNL clip is below. Warning: there is mild profanity.

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