Kentucky Bill Helps Mentally Ill ‘Trans’ People by Affirming Reality

By The Ruth Institute Published on March 8, 2023

The Kentucky Senate recently passed a bill allowing teachers to not use students’ preferred pronouns. “This is a matter of common sense, which also supports First Amendment rights,” said Ruth Institute President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D.

“One of the most insidious transgender ploys is for students to demand that teachers address them by non-birth names and opposite-sex pronouns,” Morse said. “The Kentucky bill, which passed 29-6, would remove that burden. If it becomes law, teachers can decide for themselves which pronouns to use, rather than be at the mercy of gender-confused children.”

“The pronoun issue is seductive because it seems so tame compared with demanding to amputate healthy body parts. In reality, what is euphemistically called ‘pronoun hospitality’ is a gateway drug to attempting to change the sex of the body.”

Alvin Lui, President of Courage is a Habit, was a recent guest on the weekly Dr. J Show video podcast. He calls using the wrong pronouns the “ticket on the ‘Safety & Inclusion Express Runaway Transgender Train.’”

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“The Kentucky legislature has taken an important step by not forcing teachers to play this emperor’s-new-clothes game with pronouns. Teachers can acknowledge reality, which will make them more authentically helpful to their students,” Morse said.

“But, of course, opponents of the bill are playing the compassion card.”

A state senator who opposed the bill called it “the meanest piece of legislation” she has seen in her Senate career, while the state’s Democratic governor said he was “struck by the callousness” of the legislation.

“In reality, it would be mean to go along with a student’s fantasies,” Morse said. “Helping him or her hide from reality isn’t a prescription for happiness. What starts with naming and pronouns can lead to puberty-blockers, surgery, and sterilization. Some who’ve gone this route end up miserable after realizing they cut themselves off from their true nature.”

“Is abetting this process really ‘compassionate’?”

Morse’s interview with Alvin Lui can be found at the Ruth Institute’s Free Speech Locals Channel, as well as their Big Tech YouTube channel.

For more information on the trans ideology, see the Ruth Institute’s Transgender Resource Center and these video playlists: Forbidden Research on the Trans Agenda and Reclaiming the Therapeutic Professions.

Ordained by a Predator

The latest Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse Show guest is Fr. Mark White, who was ordained by then-archbishop Theodore McCarrick, since convicted for multiple counts of child abuse.

“My first impression of McCarrick was, ‘Is this man an archbishop of the Catholic church, or is he running for mayor of New York City?’ He behaved like a politician … I didn’t have a lot of confidence in him as a religious leader.”

Fr. White published the book, Ordained by a Predator, which provides a record of McCarrick’s crimes.

The Church exists to win souls for Christ. In order to do that, we have to at least have the benefit of the doubt. We’re not going to have it until we manage to convince the world that the upper management of our enterprise is honest. Unfortunately, McCarrick is now one in a series of cases that involve the Vatican and Pope Francis himself, in his own knowledge of criminal acts by high-ranking prelates that did everything they could to cover it up.

Hear his thoughts on the solution to this crisis in the Church by watching this video on the Ruth Institute Locals page, on Rumble, or YouTube.

Returning to Church After Clerical Abuse: Suggestions from a Survivor

For centuries, churches have been places of worship and refuge. Yet, we have been faced with the sad fact that some people do not always provide a safe place for worship or refuge.

While our churches should be places of spiritual enrichment helping us to grow in holiness, they can sometimes be places of torment. There is possibly no one who understands this reality better than survivors of clerical abuse. Returning to church following clerical abuse can be very difficult.

All survivors cope differently, but many of the survivors I have encountered still love their faith even after being hurt. Yet, whether due to triggers surrounding the environment, a priest, or the people within a particular parish, some survivors find it impossible to so much as step foot into a church.

It seems all too easy for someone who hasn’t been abused to tell a survivor, “Don’t leave Jesus because of one Judas.” Like it or not, if the victim was not believed, not supported, and/or accused of creating scandal, they are probably going to leave.

Keep reading.

Lesbian Custody Battle Shows Obergefell Wrongly Decided

A lesbian ex-wife lost custody of “her” son to the child’s biological parents. Gay-rights activists are in an uproar.

“This case proves that Obergefell v. Hodges, legalizing same-sex ‘marriage,’ was wrongly decided,” said Ruth Institute president, Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D.

The boy’s mother conceived him while civilly married to another woman. They chose a “gay” donor from a website. Post-birth, the mother left her “wife” and moved in with the child’s biological father. Her ex sued for custody and was denied.

“I salute Oklahoma County district Judge Lynne McGuire for defending the right of this little boy to be raised by his mother and father,” Morse said. “The claims of the lesbian former partner should not be allowed to trump the legitimate interest that every child has to a relationship with his or her biological parents.”

“I appreciate the parents of this child stepping up to do the right thing. Both had been in same-sex relationships prior to their son’s birth. They evidently decided that their relationship with their son and each other is more important than their previous self-identification as gay or lesbian.”

“The couple now have a second child together. I commend their commitment to each other and to their children. I’m sure Ruth Institute followers join me in wishing them every blessing as they nurture their growing family.”

“And yet, despite all of this, we’re supposed to feel sorry for the ex who ‘feels cheated’ over a child who was never legally or biologically hers,” Morse said. “That this case happened at all, demonstrates how Obergefell damaged children’s relationships to their biological parents.”

“Before ‘gay marriage,’ the law presumed the mother’s husband was the father of any children born during their marriage. This presumption almost always attached legal paternity to the biological father.”

“Post Obergefell, the presumption of paternity has been reinterpreted as a gender-neutral ‘presumption of parenthood.’ In 100% of same-sex marriages, this presumption assigns legal parentage to someone not biologically related to the child.”

“The essential purpose of marriage is to attach mothers and fathers to their children and to each other,” Morse said. “Every child has a right to know the identity of, and have a relationship with, his or her parents unless an unavoidable tragedy prevents it.”

“Using a sperm-donor is not an ‘unavoidable tragedy.’ It is a conscious decision that ignores the legitimate rights and needs of children.”

Obergefell needs to go the way of Roe. The sooner the better.”

Read Morse’s complete commentary in her National Catholic Register article, “Obergefell’s Legacy: Redefining Marriage Redefines Parenthood.”


The Ruth Institute is a global non-profit organization, leading an international interfaith coalition to defend the family and build a civilization of love. The Ruth Institute’s Founder and President, Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, is the author of The Sexual State: How Elite Ideologies Are Destroying Lives and Love and Economics: It Takes a Family to Raise a Village. Subscribe to our newsletter and YouTube channel to get all our latest news.

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