K-Love, Show Some Love to the Unborn

By Michael Brown Published on March 23, 2019

There has never been a moment like this since the Roe v. Wade ruling of 1973. The pro-life movement has a fresh, new momentum, as believers are responding to the radical abortion laws being passed in states across the land. Other states are pushing back with their own, pro-life laws, laws designed to save babies’ lives, and the whole nation is in turmoil.

It is against this background, in the providential planning of God, that the Unplanned movie is about to be released. The timing couldn’t be better, and we need to seize this moment and mobilize the Body of Christ throughout America. And that means all hands on deck — including K-Love.

K-Love Can Help Unplanned Save Lives

I watched an advanced release of Unplanned in the privacy of my home, and I was moved to the point of uncontrollable sobbing. (I’ll be writing more about the movie this week. For now, see here.) I can only imagine what kind of impact it will have on millions of Americans.

In the words of pro-life writer Jason Jones, “Unplanned can be the Uncle Tom’s Cabin of the abortion issue. And today’s pro-life movement can be the movement that drives its success.”

And that’s where K-Love comes in.

Christians across America have their radios (and cell phones) set to their local K-Love stations — and there are hundreds of them across the country.

The K-Love radio hosts are like family members — trusted, comforting, encouraging, faithful, even if a little corny and canned. And every day, all day, enjoyable Christian music is played.

Songs of worship. Songs of praise. Songs that lift and inspire.

This has been the key to K-Love’s massive success, a success underwritten by hundreds of millions of dollars in listener income.

K-Love is also careful to avoid controversy, wanting only to share a “positive” message (similar to many pastors in America, who have missed the boat here as well). In fact, K-Love’s slogan is “positive and encouraging.”

And so, I wasn’t totally shocked to hear from Abby Johnson, the pro-life leader whose story is told in Unplanned, that K-Love refused to advertise her movie. According to Johnson, they will not advertise Unplanned because they do not promote anything “political.”

But saving the lives of the unborn is not political.

Sharing a redemptive message of hope and life is not political.

Turning the hearts of mothers (and fathers) towards their babies is not political.


This is Life Triumphing over Death

This is not a matter of running a campaign ad for Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton.

This is a matter of life triumphing over death — and there is nothing more “positive and encouraging” than that.

Johnson has subsequently posted that K-Love now says they won’t advertise the movie because it is rated R.

But that it is a totally bogus rating, based entirely on Hollywood’s love affair with abortion. Christian parents should not think twice about the fact the movie is rated R. If their children are old enough to have a serious discussion about abortion, then they’re old enough to see this movie.

Will K-Love partner with Hollywood to keep Christians away from the movie? Will K-Love be influenced by a clearly-biased viewer rating rather than respond to truth?

Johnson also points out that K-Love previously promoted Mel Gibson’s The Passion movie, which was also rated R. (And, for the record, it was a far more gory and bloody movie.)

If K-Love could advertise The Passion, it can advertise Unplanned.

Get Involved. Lovingly Urge K-Love to Reconsider

And here’s where each of us can get involved.

Please contact K-Love here and lovingly urge them to advertise Unplanned.

In fact, go one step further and ask them to promote the movie for free. Tell them this is their moment to make a difference, to save lives, to glorify the Lord in a tangible way.

And contact them today.

Really, this is no different that K-Love calling for donations to help meet needs after a humanitarian disaster, like a hurricane or an earthquake. The announcement itself might not be “positive,” but the call to action is as “positive” as it is gets. And it is most certainly Christian.

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So, K-Love, now is your time to use your massive reach and influence to help change history. This is your moment to act!

If not, K-Love is in danger of being a modern counterpart to a very shocking scripture.

It’s found in Ezekiel 33, where the Lord says to His prophet:

As for you, son of man, your people are talking together about you by the walls and at the doors of the houses, saying to each other, “Come and hear the message that has come from the Lord.’ My people come to you, as they usually do, and sit before you to hear your words, but they do not put them into practice. Their mouths speak of love, but their hearts are greedy for unjust gain. Indeed, to them you are nothing more than one who sings love songs with a beautiful voice and plays an instrument well, for they hear your words but do not put them into practice” (Ezek 33:30-32).

In the case of Ezekiel, he spoke powerful, piercing words from the Lord, words of repentance and judgment and restoration and hope. But to the people, he was just an entertainer, like one “who sings love songs with a beautiful voice and plays an instrument well.”

In the case of K-Love, it will be like who only who sang love songs with a beautiful voice and played an instrument well, never bringing the word of the Lord. What will the Lord say to that?


Editor’s note: The Stream previously posted an update in this article with a tweet Abby Johnson posted on March 23 saying, “Wonderful update!! After meeting again today with one of the movie producers, K-LOVE has decided to promote Unplanned!! We are thrilled!” However, this update no longer stands. Abby Johnson told Michael Brown in a radio interview on April 1 that since that hopeful conversation with K-LOVE, K-LOVE has still not advertised Unplanned. She said it seems like they will not follow through on their word. The Stream requested a comment from K-LOVE on the morning of April 2 and has not heard back.

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