Justice and Peace
Dr. Tony Evans calls for a "national reset to address our cultural pandemic" built on a "spiritual foundation" in the wake of the George Floyd tragedy.

“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those being crushed.” — Proverbs 31:8 NLT
We were horrified to see what happened to George Floyd. Betty and I along with all our LIFE Outreach friends grieve for his family and pray for the comfort only God can provide. Please take a few minutes to read this message by my very close friend, Dr. Tony Evans, founder of the Urban Alternative and Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, Texas. No one can say it better:
This is the time for a national reset to address our cultural pandemic. A reset not based on societal patchwork which produces no long-term impact, but rather a spiritual foundation influenced by a repentant, obedient and unified church. We must rise up together to rectify the individual & systemic issues we face. Issues of injustice, inequity, lack of opportunity, educational disparity, the healthcare gap and economic inequality rooted in disproportionate employment possibilities boil to the surface in times like these but it is their very constancy which prohibits the cure. All of these areas can be, and must be, responsibly addressed as we unify around a strategic and righteous long-term plan.
This is a time to build on a better tomorrow, and not tear down.
And while we must address the crisis before us, we must also not allow ourselves to be drawn into a destructive response. I not only affirm, but also encourage the peaceful and righteous protests & protestors — as does God (Acts 16:35-40). Voices must speak up (Prov. 31:8). But unrighteous destruction will not accomplish the goal we need to ultimately experience once and for all.
Pray for peace. Pray for unity. Speak truth, in love, but still speak. Then, act. Together, we can effectuate positive change if we pursue it with wisdom, tenacity and strength. I’m dialoguing and exploring different options with the thought leaders locally in my church and community as well as around the nation. The aim being to provide more tangible recommendations on things each of us can do right now in order to bring about a reversal of injustices and promote healing in our land.
WATCH: Dr. Evans sharing his heart over the death of George Floyd and how we must move forward as a society. “The devolution of our society is different from the way God intends us to live. We must pray, hearts must change, & we all should work together.”