Joy Break: Super Trooper

By Nancy Flory Published on April 13, 2020

When we turn on our televisions or smart phones we are bombarded with news that brings us down. Where are all the good stories? They’re still there. Here’s one that we hope will bless you.

Six-year-old Miela Kroenke’s dance competition was recently canceled due to the coronavirus outbreak. So her dad, Nebraska State Trooper Lt. Tyler Kroenke, got his dancing shoes on. And a cape. The video of the pair dancing to “Hero” went viral. 

Miela said she had to work with her dad to get the dance right. “He always got it wrong,” she told Fox & Friends. “He started getting better and then it looked good.”

When asked about his fellow troopers’ reaction to the video, Tyler Kroenke said he didn’t expect so many people to see it. “It is what it is and I’m glad they could have a laugh at my expense.”


Nancy Flory is an associate editor at The Stream. You can follow her @NancyFlory3, and follow The Stream @Streamdotorg.

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