Joy Break: Officer Shares Meal With Homeless Man

By Nancy Flory Published on July 14, 2020

When we turn on our televisions or smart phones we are bombarded with news that brings us down. Where are all the good stories? They’re still there. Here’s one that we hope will bless you.

A kind gesture by a Columbia County, Florida, Sheriff’s deputy was captured on film and has gone viral.

Brownie Lyons posted on July 2 that she witnessed Sheriff’s deputy and shift supervisor Corporal Shane Foote sharing a meal with a homeless man.

“My husband and I were at a drive thru near the place the officer stopped,” Lyons told WCJB. “He pulled over and opened his back door and was getting something out of the back seat. It turned out to be the chair he’s sitting in. We were wondering if he was going to talk to the guy about being on the street but when we pulled out, he had set up the food and was sitting down with him eating.”

She added, “I actually took this picture while my husband was driving by. I do not know the officer, and personally it doesn’t matter if he’s in law enforcement or not. I wanted to show that there are people who do good things and not always for recognition.”

A Kind Gesture Goes a Long Way

She posted the picture on Facebook as a “feel good” moment. “So many times officers, paramedics, EMTs, and nurses like myself do a lot of good things according to our hearts to serve not for anything else. It takes very little effort to show kindness. I try very hard every day no matter how I’m treated. A kind word or gesture goes a long way.”

Lyons said that her son realized he went to school with Foote. He also posted the image and tagged the officer. Lyons’ son told her, “That’s Shane all day everyday!”

The Columbia County Sheriff Office told WCJB that Foote’s example serves as a great reminder that we are all in this together.

The post has been shared nearly 4,500 times.


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Nancy Flory is an associate editor at The Stream. You can follow her @NancyFlory3, and follow The Stream @Streamdotorg.

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