Joy Break: Man Sings Through a Nursing Home Window to His Wife Who Has Alzheimer’s

The coronavirus nursing home restrictions didn't stop John Kline from serenading his wife.

By Nancy Flory Published on March 26, 2020

When we turn on our televisions or smart phones we are bombarded with news that brings us down. Where are all the good stories? They’re still there. Here’s one that we hope will bless you.

80-year-old John Kline has spent time each day with his wife, Ann, who has Alzheimer’s, at John Knox Manor Nursing home in Montgomery, Alabama. When the statewide order limiting visitation at nursing homes went into effect last week, Kline didn’t stop visiting her. He just went outside her window. And his serenading her with “Amazing Grace” has gone viral. 

He wanted to sing to her so she’d remember him. “I’ve always said how much I love her, ’til death do us part,” Kline told the Montgomery Advertiser late last week. “But I’m trying to make the statement that no matter what happens, there’s no reason to give up on love. If she gets where she doesn’t know me, I will still go see her, because I will still know her.”

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Kline spends about 15 minutes each day serenading her from her window, according to Fox News. He sings church hymns and songs from the 1950s to help her remember him and their life together.

In a recent post on Facebook, Kline said that their visits weren’t a “pain,” but “through a pane.”

“No visitors to John Knox Manor Nursing Home,” he wrote. “Not my best singing β€” so you probably won’t want to listen. I cut it off at 45 seconds. I love my Sweet Ann and look forward to spending eternity with her. God bless you for even looking β€” and if you listened, well that was because you wanted to hear Ann.”

The video has received 77,000 views and close to 2,000 shares on Facebook since Kline posted it last Thursday.



Nancy Flory is an associate editor at The Stream. You can follow her @NancyFlory3, and follow The Stream @Streamdotorg.

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