Jersey City Shooting and the Rise of Anti-Semitism

By Published on December 11, 2019

Is anti-Semitism rearing its ugly head again? It seems that way, as it has now been discovered that one of the suspects in Tuesday’s Jersey City shooting had published anti-Semitic posts prior to the shooting. 

Ordinarily, news of such an apparent hate crime at a kosher supermarket would shock people into speaking out against anti-Semitism. However, with congresswomen like Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib spewing out periodic anti-Jewish vitriol, and an increasing number of national leaders calling for the boycott of Israel, the fuel for anti-Semitism is being poured into the court of public opinion.

I spoke to David Rubin, former mayor of Shiloh, Israel, and author of the book, Trump and the Jews, about the attack.

Tell us why you believe the Jersey City shooting was rooted in anti-Semitism.

Rubin: Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop tweeted that an “extensive review” of the city’s closed-circuit cameras made it clear that the two suspects specifically targeted the kosher market location. 

Question: It has been reported that the attack specifically targeted Jewish civilians in that kosher market. How do we know that?

Rubin: Yes, according to Mayor Fulop, the perpetrator stopped in front of the market, calmly opened the door with two long rifles — he and the other perpetrator — and began firing from the street into the store. Most of the people who shop in a kosher food market are Jews, so obviously, they were aiming for Jews.

Question: Is this an isolated incident of anti-Semitism or does it represent a trend?

Rubin: Unfortunately, with people like Congresswoman Ilhan Omar fueling the fires of anti-Semitism, calling for boycotts of Israel which are consistent with terrorist aims of driving Israeli Jews into the sea, anti-Semitism is on the rise. As inexplicable as it may seem, there are some people who align themselves with that kind of hate speech, which frequently leads to violence.

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Question: Can you give some other examples of anti-Semitism?

Rubin: The most pernicious form of modern-day anti-Semitism is anti-Zionism. Zionism is the term that defines the return of Israel as a sovereign nation in our times. The canard that one can deny Israel’s moral right to exist in its ancient homeland where we were sovereign for many hundreds of years without being anti-Semitic is one of the most malicious lies in our times. In fact, the French Parliament recently acknowledged that indeed anti-Semitism=anti-Zionism.

A Victim Himself

Question: You and your son were victims of an anti-Semitic attack by Muslim terrorists. Would you mind telling us about the terror attack that left your son badly wounded, leading to your founding of Shiloh Israel Children’s Fund? Tell us about that and your charitable organization.

Rubin: I was driving home from Jerusalem with my three-year-old son when our car was ambushed by Muslim terrorists who were perched on the side of the road with AK-47 assault rifles. I was shot in the leg and my son was shot in the head. In fact, the bullet that went into his head and through his neck missed his brain stem by one millimeter.

In short, I eventually managed to restart the car, to get away from the terrorists and to get to the hospital where we had several operations over a span of several months, but the psychological trauma that my son experienced caused me to start the Shiloh Israel Children’s Fund for the purpose of creating integrative therapeutic-educational programs to heal the trauma of thousands of Israeli children and to restore some of the lost innocence of childhood to their young lives.

Question: Where can we find out more about Shiloh Israel Children’s Fund and about your book, Trump and the Jews and how can we get a copy?

Answer: Two websites — for the Shiloh Israel Children’s Fund — and for my book, “Trump and the Jews,” and any of my other books, go to the website

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