January 6 Shockers, Mysteries, and Botched Manipulations

By Al Perrotta Published on February 11, 2022

January 6 is back in the news. New questions arise over what really happened that day. New efforts by the Establishment try to quash long-standing questions. And new polling that shows fewer Americans are buying the media and Democratic narrative. 

Tucker, Kamala and the Pipe Bomb at DNC

On Wednesday night, Tucker Carlson laid out some strange business on January 6 involving Kamala Harris. For a year we were told Harris was in the Capitol January 6. In fact, her presence there was used by the DOJ to gin up charges that protesters were there to overthrow the government. However, it turns out Harris was not in the Capitol when the trouble broke out. She was several blocks away at the DNC headquarters. In fact, she had driven within feet of the pipe bomb planted there the night before. Her security detail discovered the bomb almost simultaneously as protesters entered the Capitol. (Another pipe bomb was found at RNC headquarters.)

The Capitol Police and FBI considered the bombs a “diversion” to make it easier for the protesters to get into the Capitol.

Tucker finds that strange:

Would a Trump supporter have known where Harris was going to be that morning? Probably not. Even her political allies didn’t know for some reason. Yet it’s fair to assume that if Kamala Harris hadn’t gone to the DNC when she went, the pipe bomb wouldn’t have been discovered just minutes before the insurrectionist breach at the Capitol. In other words, if Kamala Harris hadn’t been there, the bomb couldn’t have been the diversion the Capitol Police said it was!”

Tucker was curious mainly about two things: Why the big secret for a year about where Harris had actually been?

And why hasn’t whoever planted the bombs been apprehended? Grandmas and random people in a massive crowd have been tracked down. But not a bomber caught on video and seen talking on a cellphone? What’s going on with the FBI?

False Flags?

That’s as far as Tucker went. He didn’t accuse Harris of being involved in planting the pipe bombs. He’s not even that curious about her being at the DNC. He was just asking about some very unusual failures and suspicious omissions on an increasingly murky day. Yet, Carlson was immediately attacked as a “conspiracy theorist peddling more “false flag ****.”

No doubt, the segment was “grab the popcorn” TV. But the reaction is almost as entertaining. And you can’t help but wonder if Tucker has more than he’s sharing. Especially given all the times yesterday’s “conspiracy theory” has turned out to be tomorrow’s headlines.

However, the fact remains: Harris’ real location on J6 was kept under wraps for a year while the DOJ used her being in the Capitol as a weapon against protesters. And it is darn suspicious the FBI seems uninterested in catching the pipe bomber.

Perhaps if he had been wearing a Viking helmet. Or MAGA hat. 

DC Cop Beat a Woman on J6 Who Was Already Unconscious. Somehow an Internal Review Called the Beating “Objectively Reasonable”

You want to know why people might believe there was something nefarious going on with Kamala Harris and January 6? Because of stories like this.

On January 6, Rosanne Boyland was trapped under a pile of protesters who were attempting to flee the West Terrance tunnel at the Capitol after being gassed by cops. Boyland fell unconscious. Witnesses say she stopped breathing. Video then reportedly shows D.C. Metro Police Officer Lila Morris pounding the unconscious Boyland with a steel rod. She’s then seen grabbing a wooden stick or tree branch to wail on Boyland again. Morris had to be pulled away by other officers.



Boyland would be declared dead 90 minutes later. Although as Just the News reports, “her body appeared lifeless when law enforcement figures removed her from the West Terrace tunnel about 4:30 p.m.”

Objectively Reasonable Homicide

And what do the Metropolitan Police have to say about it? In answer to a police brutality complaint, the MPD said an Internal Affairs Bureau investigation found, “use of force within this investigation was determined to be objectively reasonable.”

Philip Anderson was with Boyland when she fell. “There is nothing reasonable about hitting a non-responsive woman lying on the ground over the head with a baton,” Anderson told The Epoch Times. “They say it’s reasonable because she was a Trump supporter.”

(Wasn’t the horror of the George Floyd video police still restraining a man who had clearly lost consciousness?)

Slandering the Dead

Adding insult to injury: The DC Medical Examiner declared Boyland died of an accidental Adderall overdose. Not from being suffocated under a panicked crowd with her unconscious body beaten by police.

Boyland’s father, Bret Boyland requested copies of body cam footage from cops near his daughter when she died, under FOIA. Request denied. 

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Perhaps we shouldn’t be too surprised that Officer Lila Morris was cleared (and hailed as a hero. I mean, she got invited to last year’s Super Bowl by the NFL). Capitol Officer Michael Byrd was able to gun down Ashli Babbitt inside the Capitol and was not only cleared, he didn’t even have to answer questions about the shooting. He simply refused and the Metropolitan Police Department and the Feds said, “No problem, sport.” 

Pew Survey: Fewer People Blame Trump for J6 Than A Year Ago

Despite an entire year of the MSM, Democrats and Liz Cheney pinning J6 on Trump and Big Tech banning those who fight the J6 narrative, fewer Americans believe it. According to Pew Research, the percentage of people who believe Trump bears a lot of responsibility for January 6 has dropped from 52% to 43%. And the percentage that believe he bears no responsibility has jumped from 24% to 32%.


Al Perrotta is the Managing Editor of The Stream, chief barista for The Morning Brew and co-author, with John Zmirak, of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Immigration. You can follow him at @StreamingAl at GabParler, MeWe and now GETTR.

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