James Robison’s Response to Christianity Today Editorial Calling for Removal of President Trump
James Robison addressing President Trump at a church service hours before his inauguration.
Christianity Today’s editor-in-chief Mark Galli has ignited a firestorm in the evangelical world by launching a broad attack on President Trump and calling for him to be removed from office.
Stream publisher James Robison has issued a statement:
My response to the Christianity Today issue
It makes me sad to see some who claim to know Christ attacking one another in an unChristlike manner. We are commanded to pray for those in authority and to offer wise counsel, and when some of us do so, we find ourselves under attack by other members of God’s family. I am certain many must wonder if Congress is training the church — or is it the religious community training Congress?
We must take seriously Paul’s admonition to Timothy, “Remind them and solemnly charge them in the presence of God not to wrangle about words which is useless and leads to the ruin of the hearers.” Those who are hearing and observing the conflict are suffering greater damage than those caught up in the foolish, fruitless discussions. Tragically, this reality has taught many wise, truly caring, love-filled Americans to avoid the process of choosing the best possible representatives who can pass the most positive, effective legislation. I, for one, am determined to encourage and inspire people to come to the table of reason. (Isaiah 1:18)
I launched The Stream five years ago so gifted-by-God writers could address the issues and challenges we face with a biblical worldview in unconditional love and a redemptive spirit. The Christianity Today article has created a sad, uncomfortable conflict. Please hear the son of one of my very best friends of 50 years, Christianity Today founder Billy Graham, and consider Franklin’s response.
Also, please read Dr. Michael Brown’s article on The Stream. I thank God for these courageous, compassionate, gifted writers who are committed along with me and others to see the prayer of the Lord Jesus in John 17 answered in our day. Read prayerfully and then as Paul said, “Pray without ceasing.”
James Robison is The Stream’s founder and publisher. He is co-founder of LIFE Outreach International and co-host of LIFE Today. He’s the author of many books, including Indivisible (with Jay Richards) and Living Amazed.