James Robison: Hurricane Helene Is a Picture of Satan’s Work in America Today
Stream Founder and Publisher James Robison has an urgent message from God to His body, the Church.
Hurricane Helene is a representation of the destruction the prince of the air is causing in America today. “He wants to divide and destroy,” says Robison. “Much of our national leadership is being led by the deceiver. Therefore, they spend their time deceiving the people, and the people in the nation and in most of the world are deceived by the father of lies.”
But there is a force that can prevail against the deceiver.
“If the family of the perfect Father will come together, love Him with all our heart, love our neighbor, [with] the other members of the Body of Christ coming together, submitted to the one head β if we will do that, we can begin to correct the course,” he says. “No matter how poor the decisions of many of our people are, we will not allow the enemy, the deceiver, to continue to lead, deceive, and destroy this country.”
Watch the full video above.