James Robison and Mat Staver Discuss Trump’s Accomplishments
Stream publisher James Robison recently spoke with Mat Staver, Founder and Chairman of Liberty Counsel, about their reluctance to support then-candidate Donald Trump during the 2016 election campaign and how they’ve been pleasantly surprised with his accomplishments since taking office.
James: Mat, at the Awakening Conference in March 2016, which Liberty Counsel hosted, God gave me a very strong message. I immediately realized it was the message most of us did not want to hear, including me, but I was confident it was from the Lord and that I must share it. To briefly sum it up, I proclaimed in reference to the presidential campaign, “I don’t think we’re going to get our champion (the choice of most Evangelicals) — I think we’re going to get the people’s champion.”
I shared that we must respond to the people’s choice by moving with unconditional love and unwavering truth. I knew we must reach out in love, speaking truth to their champion. As difficult as it was for any of us to accept, there was little doubt the people’s champion would prove to be Donald Trump.
At that time, none of us were for candidate Trump. There were plenty of Christian candidates we had known for a long time that we hoped would win the election. What was your feeling at that time?
Mat: On that Friday evening in 2016, during a dinner meeting with ministry leaders and conference speakers, you asked to share. It became apparent what you were saying had a prophetic ring to it. One leader immediately began to record it on his cell phone. There were many seeking the presidential nomination who were respected and preferred by those attending and leading the Awakening Conference. You reminded us God may be doing something in His infinite wisdom, and we needed to be open to that.
The next day you basically delivered the same message to the entire crowd of several thousand. At that time, most in attendance were Ted Cruz supporters. There was an apparent attitude shift, indicating that perhaps candidate Trump could be God’s chosen person.
As we look back at your message and now the accomplishments of President Trump and this administration, it has been a real blessing from God. Obviously, God knew what He was doing. It boggles your mind when you observe what has happened in the last 20 months.
Trump’s Accomplishments
James: One of the things that came out of the March 2016 meeting was a caution not to be over-reactionary and to faithfully pray for one another. I did feel like even while there were those who didn’t agree, there was a willingness to pray. Amazingly, at the suggestion of Dr. Ben Carson, candidate Trump began to meet privately with me. He openly and graciously received me, and it was very obvious he was hearing and cared deeply about the concerns of Christians and faith leaders. I shared boldly and forcefully with unconditional love.
Actions always speak louder than any words, and we are witnessing positive results. One of the things that thrills me, Mat, is how you have developed a Power Point presentation highlighting many of the accomplishments we have witnessed. I believe they are all answers to prayer and it’s a part of the healing of our nation. It’s amazing to watch.
You and I want all Christians to understand it’s imperative that we continue praying for our president and all in authority while trusting God for continued change.
Mat: I definitely agree. This Power Point I created is just a sample of positive change. I have created a nine-page document with even more information. I think it’s important for people to look back and recognize all that’s been accomplished in the last 20 months. It is a divine miracle!
James Robison also spoke with Dr. Michael Brown recently to discuss his new book, Donald Trump is Not My Savior. You can watch the videos of their conversation at the #TrumpIsNotMySavior series page.