It is Not the Kingdom of God Versus the Democrats

By Michael Brown Published on January 18, 2021

It’s one thing to take strong exception to many of the goals of the Democratic platform or to have grave concerns about where the left wants to take America. It’s another thing to view every Democrat as Satan incarnate and to justify despising and loathing them. Yet that is what many of us have done in the heat of the current political crisis. In our eyes, our ideological opponents are more demons than humans.

This is a dangerous outlook on life. It is one that also dishonors the Lord who created these people in His own image, not to mention sent His Son to die for them.

I tweeted on January 14, “If we would pray for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris the way some prayed for Trump’s reelection, they might become two of the greatest leaders in American history!”

This was in keeping with Paul’s exhortation in 1 Timothy 2:1-4: “I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people — for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.”

Thankfully, the majority of those who responded added their “Amen” to the tweet. Let us pray that God would save them and transform them.

Are Biden and Harris the Epitome of Evil?

But not everyone saw things this way. To them, the Democrats, in particular Biden and Harris, were the very epitome of evil and unworthy of prayer. Or, in their eyes, it was time to fight, not pray, for our incoming president and vice president.

James tweeted mockingly, “If Washington and the patriots would have just prayed for king George instead of fighting him he might’ve been the greatest king of all time.”

This, of course, begs the question: What, exactly, does it mean to “fight” right now? Does James mean storming DC again, this time to stop the inauguration? Is that what it means to fight?

If he means that we should push back against the agenda of the left, can’t we do that while praying at the same time? Aren’t we called to do both-and?

Lifestyle of Faith tweeted, “Like if the Jews and Germans had prayed for the Nazis?”

So, Biden and Harris are equivalent to the Nazis, and they will seek to exterminate us — literally — just as Hitler attempted with the Jews.

In that case, is Lifestyle of Faith calling for an armed uprising?

Are Biden and Harris Beyond Redemption?

No wonder, then, that others believed that Biden and Harris were beyond redemption. As expressed by Hutindesert, “I highly doubt that. Pray for the end of the world to come sooner would be better.”

Peter added, “Don’t be naieve,” while McT mocked as well: “And maybe if Jesus had prayed more for Judas, he would have become His greatest disciple!”

Said Diane, “Considering what the Democrats have perpetrated these last 4 years and now impeachment again… I very strongly doubt it. Judas served a purpose, but in the end was lost. I pray for God’s will.”

According to Unapologetic Christian: “Ha ha ha, sorry that so ridiculous it was funny. No I think the Lord has it in for this nation one of the forms of his wrath is given us leaders like Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Both are reprobates I’m pretty sure.”

As expressed by Trump Won, “Nah all they wanna do is kill babies in the womb.”

So, not even God could redeem people like Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, let alone use them as great leaders. Hell will freeze over before that happens.

Daniel opined, “They are agents of God’s judgement. When the wicked rule the people mourn. No matter what side they are on.”

Moses added, “And I don’t need anyone to lead me who stole the election.” Ricky tweeted, “Lol!!!!! You are hilarious.”

We Are Called to Pray for Leaders

Yes, these were some of the responses I received when calling for prayer for our incoming leaders, even though Paul called for prayer for demented leaders like Nero, specifically, that God would save them. Yet we can’t even pray for Biden and Harris.

Have we completely lost sight of the message of redemption? Have we forgotten the transforming power of the cross? And what about our own sins and shortcomings, as individuals, as conservatives, and (where applicable) as Republicans?

Are we really so righteous, so godly, so full of justice and truth?

But it gets worse.

Kimberly responded, “Pray for HaSatan while you’re at it. I mean. Why not?”

In other words, you might as well pray for Satan himself. (HaSatan is the Hebrew way of saying the devil.)

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But she was not alone in expressing such sentiments. Fernando also tweeted back, “That’ll be just like praying for the devil to repent.”

Yes, in the minds of these individuals, at least some of whom profess to be Christians, Biden and Harris are equal to Satan himself. In the words of Rosalind “they are evil demons.” (And some of you reading say, “That’s right!”)

As expressed by Testthespirits, “They are indwelt by evil. We need a literal exorcism.”

This is what Christians are tweeting.

We Cannot Be Praying for Judgment Over Redemption

Some even prayed for judgment rather than redemption.

Michael: “May this bloodthirsty, thieving Ahab and Jezebel be judged like Ananias and Sapphira.” (He added a graphic of dogs eating Jezebel’s body.)

Anita agreed: “Do you think if the people of Israel would have prayed for Jezebel and Ahab the way we have prayed for Trump things would have been different?”

Redeemed wrote, “Why would you suggest something so abhorrent against God’s will? Are you not sensitive enough to the Spirit? When ppl were praying for Trump’s re-election, they were praying in accordance to God’s will.”

So, it is abhorrent and against God’s will to pray for Biden and Harris. And this was written by “Redeemed.”

Not only so, but this call for prayer actually exposed me as a hypocrite. As expressed by Foxy Lady: “Have you become senile in your old age. Orthodox Jews at least stuck to their guns. They work study and pray. They are not walking both sides of fence. You keep your followers and cushie job. You’re a hypocrite. Jesus favorite.”

Sadly, what I cited here is quite tame compared to what I see day and night online, as virtually every Democratic leader is likened to the devil — full of evil, only evil, irredeemably evil.

Remembering the Lord’s Mercy

For my part, I plan to do everything I can to oppose the destructive agenda of the left, standing up, speaking out, pushing back, and voting accordingly. The words “compromise” or “capitulate” are not in my vocabulary.

But I will do so remembering the mercy the Lord that has been extended to me, also understanding that within every human being there is a mixture of good and evil, as we are all created in God’s image and yet fallen, in need of redemption.

Those who want to sit as the self-righteous judge, jury, and executioner, should beware. As Jesus said, “For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you” (Luke 6:38).


Dr. Michael Brown ( is the host of the nationally syndicated Line of Fire radio program. His latest book is Evangelicals at the Crossroads: Will We Pass the Trump Test? Connect with him on FacebookTwitter or YouTube.

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