Islam Making Inroads in Texas

Islamic Judicial Tribunal Set Up, Imam Gives Prayer at Rodeo

By Rachel Alexander Published on February 3, 2015

The first official Islamic Tribunal that follows Sharia Law has been set up in North Texas. Considering what some of the punishments are in Sharia law, this no doubt has many concerned. The Tribunal has four judges, and Imam Moujahed Bakhach, one of the judges, claims it is non-binding. CBS DFW has the full story. 

The same Imam, Moujahed Bakhach, representing the Islamic Association of Tarrant County, led the public prayer for the Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo Sunday night. Many expressed their dissatisfaction with the prayer, causing Bakhach to back out of giving another prayer on February 2. The Dallas Morning News has more on the controversial prayer here.

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