Is Andrew Weissmann Influencing DOJ on a Crusade to Destroy Donald Trump?

No one epitomizes “Trump Derangement Syndrome” better or is more of a “Trump-hater” than Andrew Weissmann. The Left lauds his career and touts his record of convictions. In truth, however, former federal prosecutor now media-hit-man for the Left, Weissmann is a study in prosecutorial misconduct, wrongful convictions, suppression of exculpatory evidence and reversals by appellate courts. To paraphrase Mark Levin, destruction of a person by a wrongful prosecution is “blood sport” for Weissmann.
Mueller’s Senior Henchman
The most recent role enabling him to fulfill his thirst for dominance and use of police state tactics was as Robert Mueller’s senior henchman in the Special Counsel operation. That crusade of political persecutions consumed tens of millions taxpayer dollars, dominated the press with patently false allegations that Trump was a Putin puppet, harassed countless people with “process crimes” created by the investigation itself and almost imprisoned Retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn — my client. The 26 vehicle SWAT team raid of Roger Stone’s home in the wee hours, complete with helicopter, frogmen and filmed by CNN was a text-book Weissmann prosecutorial terrorist-tactic.
After we battered the last team of prosecutors for a year or more with so much evidence of innocence and the government’s dirty dealings in manufacturing a crime against Flynn, the Department of Justice moved to dismiss the prosecution of Flynn. The FBI had made it all up. By that time, the lead prosecutor was a Weissmann protégé and “wannabe,” and Attorney General Bill Barr had called the Special Counsel’s bluff.
From Weissmann’s Enron Debacle Squad to #2 At the DOJ
Weissmann is no longer a federal prosecutor, but he became the poster-boy for prosecutorial misconduct in the United States Attorney’s Office in New York and on the former Enron Task Force where he and his cohorts sullied their cases with assorted government misconduct — ranging from hiding evidence of innocence to making up crimes and removing the requisite criminal intent from jury instructions.
One of their most hideous tactics was to put businessmen in solitary or extreme conditions of confinement to “soften them up” until the prisoners would “cooperate” to the satisfaction of Mr. Weissmann. They put the young former treasurer of Enron straight into solitary when he reported to prison. Another young Merrill executive was incarcerated hundreds of miles from his family with the most hardened criminals in a federal transfer facility — until the Fifth Circuit completely acquitted him.
The Gateway Pundit has been running a series on Weissmann’s hijinks that rocketed him to Deputy Director of the FBI and later the DOJ fraud division under his buddy Leslie Caldwell — the first director of the notorious Enron Task Force — and Mueller’s Special Counsel.
Even the Left has noticed how “tight” the Enron Task Force prosecutors were — which I detail extensively in my book LICENSED TO LIE: Exposing Corruption in the Department of Justice. My bet is they still are. Mary Jacoby, the wife of FusionGPS operative Glen Simpson, described the experience of the Enron Task Force as the “glue that binds.” All the prosecutors “prospered” in the aftermath of their “take no prisoners” march through Houston. At least one of them has been in a very high position within the Department of Justice for the last twenty years in between extremely lucrative positions in the private sector.
There seems to be the proverbial revolving door between the silk-stocking DC law firms such as Latham & Watkins and the DOJ. Three former Enron Task Force members landed at Latham: Leslie Caldwell, Katherine Ruemmler, and Sean Berkowitz. Ruemmler also became Obama’s longest serving White House Counsel, where she joined former ETF member Lisa Monaco as one of “Obama’s Muses.”
Lisa Monaco had followed Weissmann into the position of Deputy Director/General Counsel of the FBI, prior to her stint in the White House with Obama and Ruemmler. Now she runs the Department of Justice, serving as Deputy Attorney General — only one notch below Merrick Garland.
Weissmann’s Still At It
Weissmann’s voice is more public than ever. He regularly appears on MSNBC, and on July 2, he published an op-ed in the New York Times that called for a “top-down” approach for prosecuting the January 6 protest the Left calls an “insurrection.” That was a clarion call for the Department of Justice to aim squarely at Donald Trump — or it reflects that Weissmann knew Trump was in their cross-hairs, the raid on Mar a Lago was going to happen, and Weissmann was the designated forecaster. We know from other reports the raid it was discussed internally at the highest level for weeks.
On August 8, the FBI/DOJ made the unprecedented raid on and search of Mar-a-Lago. Coincidence?
Is it a coincidence that Roger Stone-style SWAT raids were conducted against countless January 6 participants?
Are we surprised that when she reported to prison, Dr. Simone Gold was immediately put into solitary confinement for the horrific crime of walking into the Capitol Building and walking out?
Many January 6 defendants have been met with conditions far harsher than Guantanamo Bay — reserved for the worst terrorists. This is the Weissmann-preferred means of dealing with political opponents.
With the power of the entire Department of Justice in the hands of another Weissmann protégé, there are many reasons for concern. How much is she listening to her mentor and predecessor and following his playbook of prosecutorial terrorist tactics?
Sidney Powell is a former federal prosecutor and author of LICENSED TO LIE: Exposing Corruption in the Department of Justice, which reads like a John Grisham novel but is true and “names names.” Sidney now serves as president of the non-profit Defending the Republic, Inc.