The Iowa Election Proves Christians Can Rescue America from Obama
America is changing, but not for the better. The election of the first black President could have been a cause of ongoing celebration, but Americans who understand what he has done are mourning. As an American of African descent, I wish I could rejoice. Unfortunately, his administration has done extensive damage to our Republic which may take a generation to repair.
These snapshots show a President out of touch with the spirit of Our country. One of his first symbolic gestures was to send the bust of Winston Churchill back to Great Britain, insulting a great ally and trivializing our victory over the Nazis. He apologized to “the Muslim World” for American arrogance and mistakes. He bowed to a Saudi king. He had a Marine in dress blues holding an umbrella over his head as if he were a king. He canceled the White House celebration of the National Day of Prayer. He was willing to shut down the government rather than discontinue funding Planned Parenthood.
He traded the deserter Bowe Bergdahl for five Islamic terrorists and held a White House photo-op to rub it in our faces. He treated Benjamin Netanyahu despicably while a guest in the White House. He entered into a nuclear agreement with Iran, which continues to denounce the United States and repeatedly violates the agreement. He proudly ignores Congress and the Constitution as if he were a dictator.
He is the single greatest advocate for the radical homosexual agenda, even forcing it on our military. Perhaps his crowning achievement is jamming Obamacare down the throats of the American people with extreme partisanship, late night deals, legal bribes and telling pro-life Democrats the falsehood that it would not provide abortions. In fact, he sued Hobby Lobby and the Little Sisters of the Poor because they refused to pay for abortion drugs under Obamacare.
He behaves more like the head of a banana republic than President of our Constitutional Republic.
After seven years of this madness, is there any hope? Yes. It is that evangelicals turned out to vote in record numbers in the Iowa caucuses. If that trend continues — if freedom loving evangelicals and Catholics in America fulfill their stewardship responsibility to vote and vote wisely — America will be rescued from a Democratic Party that is more socialist than democratic.
The Democrats purport to represent working people, but their policies put people out of work and make them wards of the state. They then terrorize the poor by telling them their benefits will be cut unless they keep Democrats in power. They demagogue race to keep minorities as a captive constituency. Instead of solving problems, they manipulate people. Instead of bringing Americans together, they divide and conquer.
The Christian vote — white, black, Hispanic and others united as the body of Christ — is the only hope we have to elect a President who believes in the Constitution, in a free economy, and in the Creator who gave us rights and liberty. If we continue to mobilize pastors and churches in every state to register and to vote their Christian values, we will win a victory for America.
Political reform is not the be all and end all — most especially not for Christians who are members of another and eternal kingdom. But our government is only as good as we the people can make it, and it’s past time we the people cleaned house. Indeed, we need an awakening, both in Washington and across America. According to Religion News Service, the period from 1998 to 2013 can be described as the Great Decline: “Two decades ago only one in twenty Americans said they weren’t part of any religion. Today it is at least three times that level, with the ‘nones’ becoming one of the largest religious groups in America.”
That trend can be reversed, but it will take the right leadership and no small amount of God’s grace. Eternal souls are a stake. So, too, is the American experiment in freedom. John Adams said that “we have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion … Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” Our Founding Fathers intended the fabric of American culture to be God-directed, and largely Christian. They saw in it the virtues necessary for a free people and the blessing that would allow this grand experiment to succeed.
If we can awaken Christians as the keepers of the flame and get them to vote their Christian values in the upcoming presidential election, we can roll back many of Obama’s damaging policies, can undo much of the damage he has done, can bring our country back from the brink. We can elect a president who will recapture what the Founders envisioned and the Constitution directed.
The great French thinker Alexis de Tocqueville said America was great because America was good, and that America was good because of her churches. No, America wasn’t perfect. No human society this side of heaven is even close to perfect. But on his travels through our country, de Tocqueville saw a moral fiber running through our culture that impressed him. Unfortunately, it will all come to a calamitous end if pastors, priests and churches cease to be the moral conscience of the nation. Only an awakening in our churches will give us the new birth of freedom we so desperately need. If what happened in Iowa happens all over America, things are about to start changing for the better.