I’m Sorry, Mrs. Pease, Wherever You Are

My gray-haired ol’ fifth-grade teacher Mrs. Pease sure had a passion for civics lessons. Perhaps this was because, as rumor had it, she’d been personal friends with Abraham Lincoln. As with every subject she taught, Mrs. Pease sought to open us up to the heart and beauty of the topic. What a glorious, unprecedented gift our Founders had given us. A nation “of the people, by the people, for the people,” as her friend Abe had famously said. A nation where our leaders are not imposed on us by force or birthright, but chosen by “We, the People” in free and fair elections.
You go behind the curtain, flip the little levers. Maybe your choice wins, maybe your choice doesn’t. But the decision is in the hands of those who go to the polls. Three cheers for the Red, White and Blue!
Dear, dear Mrs. Pease. You must be looking down on us today feeling like an utter sap. You may as well have been teaching us the earth is flat, the Easter Bunny is real and George Washington really did chop down that cherry tree. Because in your beloved America, it’s looking increasingly like “We, the People” won’t have a say in selecting our next president.
The Dictators Dictating
Last night, the staggering, fascist onslaught to keep former President Donald Trump from being re-elected and serving in the Oval Office by any means necessary scored an unfathomable victory. Unfathomable outside of Putin’s Russia or a third-rate banana republic at any rate. The Colorado Supreme Court, at the bidding of the George Soros-owned Secretary of State … and the machinery of the Democratic Party up to and including the current President of the United States … booted the man currently beating that president in the polls Donald Trump from the ballot. In fact, the Court decreed the citizens of Colorado can’t even write in Trump’s name. The BTK Killer, Harvey Weinstein, Taylor Swift you can write in. But not Donald Trump.
Why? How? These four unelected political operatives in robes simply, unilaterally declared that Trump instigated an “insurrection” on January 6, and thus is ineligible under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. That Trump has never been charged with such a crime, let alone convicted, and is the only insurrectionist in world history to have tried to place tens of thousands of troops in place to prevent any disturbance, matters not. What matters is, by decree, and after three years of incessant Soviet-style propaganda that began January 6, January 6 was an “insurrection” and Trump is responsible.
For just such a ruling as yesterday, the Democrats and their media co-conspirators were calling January 6 an “insurrection” from the very start. (And burying video evidence that proves the contrary.) They deliberately labeled the day the one thing that the Constitution says would bar someone from elected federal office. An Amendment crafted specifically for Confederates … not for presidents concerned about election irregularities. (How ironic the fascist Colorado decree came down the same day dozens of pro-genocide, anti-Israel protestors were arrested for storming through the Capitol complex.)
Mrs. Pease, we were being played from day one.
Even if SCOTUS Properly Rules, The War on Democracy Goes On
The attempt to use the 14th Amendment to bludgeon democracy to death has thankfully failed in other states. Thus far. Laughed out of court, in fact. And there is hope Trump’s promised rapid appeal to the Supreme Court will be successful. However, given SCOTUS’ skittish reluctance to step in to try and right the wrongs of the 2020 election, and yes, the fears of a violent reaction should the Court dare to side with Trump and democracy in this case (or the pending immunity case), there’s no guarantee the Supreme Court will properly act against this Rocky Mountain Low.
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Even if the Court does slap down the Colorado Supreme Court and allow Colorado voters to make their own choice for president, the lawfare will not stop. Trump is still facing four trials specifically designed to interfere with the 2024 election. (Even CNN acknowledges that in the case of Special Persecutor Jack Smith.) And heaven knows what other charges will be concocted as Biden continues slipping in the polls and Trump’s lead grows.
Which leads to the obvious: Does anyone who still thinks the 2020 Election was legit find it at all strange that so much unprecedented effort is being spent to keep a man off a ballot who supposedly was easily and fairly whipped the last time out?
Does anyone think that if the ploy works, all will be well? As Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. wrote last night, “If Trump is kept out of office through judicial fiat rather than being defeated in a fair election, his supporters will never accept the result. This country will become ungovernable.”
Which leads to the ominous: Given the all-out effort by the most powerful forces in the country, from the White House, DOJ, FBI, Soros-funded state official, Big Tech, Intelligence Community, to stop Trump … and his vow to take them down if re-elected … is there any reason to believe they will stop with the courts? From Tucker Carlson to Mollie Hemingway, sages of the ways of Washington warn how the establishment rhetoric is priming the pump for violent action against Trump. Their coordinated claims of “dictator,” “threat to democracy,” the endless comparisons to Hitler lead down only one path. And as I noted a few month back, these are literally some of the same people who arranged for Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi to be overthrown, dragged through the streets, sodomized and shot to death. Then cackled about it. “We came. We saw. He died,” Hillary Clinton famously said.
Certainly, their fear and loathing of Trump is magnitudes greater than it was for Gaddafi.
Even if you’d rather vote for a soiled mop than the Orange Man, if you care for America, we must pray for his protection. And this election.
Do It for Mrs. Pease
Mrs. Pease would not recognize this America. Oh, she was wise enough to understand how precarious the American experiment was. She knew John Adams’ observation that our government required moral people to function. She knew empires had a relatively short shelf-life.
But I do not believe she would imagine that in the lifetime of her students, the sacred right to vote would so easily and callously be snatched away in America. That an “elite” sliver would decide the American people cannot be trusted to choose its own leaders. That elections were not something to be won, but to be gamed, rigged and when necessary, flat out stolen. And political opposition was to be crushed, banned … and by any means eliminated.
I do know she would not want us to take it lying down. She’d want us to stand up and show who’s boss. As her friend Abraham Lincoln once said, “The people — the people — are the rightful masters of both congresses and courts — not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert it.”
Al Perrotta is the Managing Editor of The Stream, co-author, with John Zmirak, of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Immigration and co-author of the counter-terrorism memoir Hostile Intent: Protecting Yourself Against Terrorism.