I Fell for the Deception of Transgenderism

By Published on April 16, 2023

As I spoke in the rotunda of the Kentucky State Capitol late last month to a crowd of Kentucky lawmakers and supporters of pro-family policy, a large group of transgender activists quietly observed from the second- and third-floor mezzanines, holding various signs and flags.

I called on Kentucky legislators to override the governor’s veto of a bill, SB 150, crafted to protect children from the irreparable harm of “gender transition” interventions, including puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and surgical mutilation of healthy body parts.

Abruptly, at the utterance of the last word of our March 29 rally, the transgender activists erupted in loud chanting and made their way to the rotunda floor.

The Deceiver at Work

For me personally, the image of the man leading the chant reveals the motivation behind the transgender ideology. He was dressed in a white robe with a red triangular cloth on his chest and horns on his head. To clinch the connection with the evil one, the accuser and his acolytes chanted: “Shame. Shame. Shame.”

Ephesians 6:12 says: “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”

I was there at the Kentucky State Capitol to stand against the evil of castration and mutilation of children. In the rotunda that day, the battle seemed so obvious. (Fortunately, the state House and Senate voted to override the veto of SB 150 by Gov. Andy Beshear, a Democrat.)

I know something about spiritual forces; I was held hostage by this evil ideology for four and a half decades, until Jesus rescued me during prayer in 1990.

The evil one is also known as the deceiver or father of lies. For me, the ultimate deception in my life occurred when a world-renowned “gender therapist” affirmed my disordered thoughts of changing genders, diagnosed me with gender dysphoria, and recommended cross-sex hormones and “sex change” surgery.

Following his advice, I blindly walked into a hospital in Trinidad, Colorado, in 1983 and willingly underwent “sex change” surgery.

I identified as Laura Jensen, female, for eight years, living a lie. But with Jesus, my story didn’t end there.

Turning to the Lord

The beginning of John 10:10 says: “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy.”

In my case, the thief, identifying as a “gender therapist” and as a “sex change” surgeon, came not to help me with my adverse childhood experiences but rather to steal and kill and destroy who God had made me to be. The surgery 40 years ago stole my identity, killed my future filled with wonderful dreams, and destroyed me and my family.

But thankfully that was not the final chapter of my life, not at all. As Jesus says at the end of John 10:10: “I came that they may have life and have it to the full.” 

I turned to the Lord Jesus Christ and he came during prayer to redeem and restore my broken life. He held me in his arms that one summer day so many years ago and said, “You will be safe with me forever.”

Fighting to Wake America Up

I have spent the past 17 years speaking out and writing books and articles to wake America up to the regrettable outcomes that often follow for those who fall for the evil deception of “changing genders.”

It’s not possible. No one has ever biologically changed genders. It is intellectually dishonest for doctors to claim (as if they were God) that they can change anyone’s gender or sex. It’s balderdash.

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Last month, I had the wonderful opportunity to get to know the amazing Riley Gaines, NCAA women’s swimmer-turned-advocate, who first made waves about being forced to swim competitively against, and share a women’s locker room with, the biological male “Lia” Thomas.

Gaines said there is evidence that women athletes are being forced to participate in a sexual arousal disorder, a condition called autogynephilia, where a man gets sexually aroused by the idea of being or becoming a woman.

How inappropriate (and evil) it would be to allow an intact man with a sexual arousal disorder to expose himself to young university women in a locker room, simply because he asserts he is female.

In March, ESPN honored Thomas as part of a segment called “Celebrating Women’s History Month.” Such accolades for fake women destroy the dreams of true women in sports and heap further insults on the elite women swimmers who competed against Thomas and were cheated of honors that are rightfully theirs.

Males who have gone through puberty have known physical advantages over females. Allowing men to compete as equals in women’s athletics threatens the existence of women’s sports.

Living Proof

All of this is so destructive. “Gender therapists” and “sex change” surgeons lie to parents, saying that hormonal and surgical interventions are the only answer for children with psychological identity issues.

A man wearing horns leads his followers, the pro-child-mutilation crowd, in a chant of “Shame” aimed at those fighting to protect vulnerable children from irreversible harm.

A man suspected of having a sexual arousal disorder identifies as a woman, wears a woman’s swimsuit, outperforms most elite female university swimmers, and receives unfettered access to their private changing rooms and showers.

Capitulating to evil leads only to more darkness. Thank God for the parents, lawmakers, pastors, athletes, and others who are standing up for truth and against this evil deception.

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. But Jesus came that we may have life and have it to the full. I’m living proof.


Walt Heyer is a public speaker and author of the book, Trans Life Survivors. Through his website, SexChangeRegret.com, and his blog, WaltHeyer.com, Heyer raises public awareness about those who regret gender change and the tragic consequences suffered as a result.

The Daily Signal publishes a variety of perspectives. Nothing written here is to be construed as representing the views of The Heritage Foundation. 

Copyright 2023 The Daily Signal

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