How We Can Resist ‘Pride Month’

By The Ruth Institute Published on June 13, 2023

Well, June is here. It’s pretty hard to miss. Most everywhere we look, we are inundated (more so than usual) with rainbows and other symbols of “Pride.” These Pride events display cultural grooming at its finest.

Many of us are filled with anger and frustration at the left’s agenda being thrown in our and our children’s faces so blatantly and aggressively. Whether we are in Pride Month or any other month, we cannot sit back and act as if none of this is our problem.

It is our problem. We all have to do our part to resist Pride (the sin and the movement) and reclaim the rainbow by speaking the truth in love.

Keep reading.

Tired of Pride Month?

Rainbow flags are everywhere. How much more are we going to take? How much more can we allow our children to take? It’s time to protect the innocence of our children and grandchildren. Not sure what to do but want to do something? Here are some ideas:

  1. Share the memes, videos, articles, and interviews from our Facebook, Locals, Twitter, Rumble, and YouTube channels. Spread the word that people aren’t “born that way” and they actually can change. It happens every day!
  2. Download our e-book, “Protecting Your Family from the Top 5 Gay Myths” to learn how to answer the two claims above, plus three more. Get it, read it, pass it on.
  3. Help the Ruth Institute. We’re responding to Pride month. Our efforts include sending our “Your Pain is Real” trans brochure to schools and parishes. We’re donating copies of The Sexual State to seminarians, high school teachers, and college professors. Dr. Morse does presentations to moms groups on how to answer their children’s questions about the “Pride” displays they see everywhere. She talks to doctors seeking advice on consciously helping their patients without getting into trouble for doing so. She appears in webinars such as the Voice of the Family in the U.K., where she documented the link between the LGBT movement and support for pedophilia.

We must protect the innocence of vulnerable children — your children, your grandchildren.

Please help us in our campaign to Resist Pride!

How to Fight Euthanasia

Alex Schadenberg is the Executive Director of The Euthanasia Prevention Coalition (EPC), author of Exposing Vulnerable People to Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide, and co-producer of the documentaries: The Euthanasia Deception (2016) and Fatal Flaws: Legalizing Assisted Death (2018).

There are doctors deciding whose lives aren’t worth living, Schadenberg explains. When you legalize euthanasia, “you’re unleashing them to become killers.”

“It’s never a good idea to give somebody the right in law to kill somebody… When you legalize euthanasia or assisted suicide, it changes everything.”

Please Support The Stream: Equipping Christians to Think Clearly About the Political, Economic, and Moral Issues of Our Day.

When euthanasia was legalized in Canada, where Schadenberg lives, it was said that it would only affect a small amount of people. Yet the slippery slope soon became evident. Anyone experiencing depression, rather than be treated, can simply ask to be killed.

Learn more by watching on Locals, Rumble, or YouTube.

Ruth Institute Stands Up for Priest Who Stands Against LA Dodgers

“What happened to a Cleveland, Ohio, priest was shameful, but was only one of many hateful attacks on churches,” said Ruth Institute President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D.

At a recent Mass, Fr. Tim Gareau expressed outrage over the Los Angeles Dodgers honoring the anti-Catholic Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. He accused the Sisters of, “Defaming the name of every Christian here on earth. It just burns a hole in my heart, angers me and embitters me.” Parishioners applauded, which is unusual in a Catholic Mass.

After he spoke, a woman name Avery Arden approached the podium and accused the priest of defaming “queer and trans people.” She said Fr. Tim baptized her and that she now lives in Georgia with her “wife.” Three men from the congregation escorted Arden from the church.

“This is a favorite tactic of LGBTQ activists,” Morse said. “They malign the Catholic Church. When Catholics respond, they’re accused of attacking gays.”

“Homosexual conduct is rejected by 2,000 years of Church teaching, as it was by Judaism before it. Just as transgenderism is a denial of nature, the idea that homosexuality is compatible with Catholicism is equally untenable.”

Cleveland’s newspaper, The Plain Dealer, gave a biased report on the incident, quoting an unnamed parishioner who stated she wouldn’t come back to that church. A subsequent story on RedState revealed that Arden has ties to domestic terrorist and anti-police groups.

“Hostility toward Catholicism and other Christian denominations is growing,” Morse said. “A Family Research Council report showed 420 hostile acts against churches in the last five years. We must be fearless and not be intimidated by aggressors who try to position themselves as victims.”

The Ruth Institute invites others to join a prayer campaign to support Fr. Tim Gareau at the Ruth Institute Facebook page.


The Ruth Institute is a global non-profit organization, leading an international interfaith coalition to defend the family and build a civilization of love. The Ruth Institute’s Founder and President, Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, is the author of The Sexual State: How Elite Ideologies Are Destroying Lives and Love and Economics: It Takes a Family to Raise a Village. Subscribe to our newsletter and YouTube channel to get all our latest news.

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