How the Trans Movement Left the Station

Mass Resistance has been fighting this madness for almost 20 years. Here, the group exposes how everything began.

By Published on March 30, 2024

Most pro-family people who are confronting the β€œtransgender” (including β€œgender” ideology) surge in schools, libraries, health care, public accommodations, and other institutions are unaware of how it all came about. A surprising number of conservatives think it was separate from the β€œgay” movement – which gives them an excuse for avoiding criticism of homosexuality in their schools and society.

But what really happened?

Starting with Children

Starting in the 1990s, Massachusetts led the nation in pushing the homosexual movement into its institutions, with California and New York not far behind. Not surprisingly, it started with that movement’s obsession with children.

During that decade, homosexual groups like GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network) and the state-funded Massachusetts Governor’s Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth would reference transgenderism and include teens dressed as the opposite sex at their β€œYouth Pride” events. One of the LGBT leaders was a β€œmale-to-female” transsexual who headed the groomer organization BAGLY (Boston Alliance of Gay & Lesbian Youth).

Discussion of β€œgender” began to creep into a few classrooms in the more β€œprogressive” towns, thanks to GLSEN trainings and pilot programs from the Massachusetts Department of Education in the schools. But in general there was a strategic silence, and transgenderism was kept on the back burner.

In 2007, a Shocking Bill Is Filed

At the beginning of the Massachusetts Legislature’s 2007-2008 session, one of our staff noticed that a shocking bill had been filed. It was a wide-ranging β€œtransgender rights and hate crimes bill.”

Although some states had passed modest transgender nondiscrimination laws, this was the first giant, comprehensive β€œtransgender” legal salvo that we knew of in the United States (or anywhere else). It was frighteningly aggressive. It rewrote a range of statutes covering public accommodations, school policies, housing, employment, business, family law, government IDs, hate crimes, etc. to mandate the acceptance of β€œtransgenderism.” Offenders would be criminalized.

The key Massachusetts homosexual lobbying group MassEquality announced in the press that it considered β€œgender identity” the next step after having achieved β€œgay marriage,” and was preparing a β€œfull-court press” in the legislature to get the transgender rights bill passed. They noted that they were bringing transgender groups as well as other LGBT groups into the fight.

(Interestingly, the article also quoted Brian Camenker of MassResistance saying, β€œIf the Legislature even thinks about passing this, they’re going to see an outrage like they’ve never seen in a long time. It is, in our opinion, one of the most dangerous bills ever filed.”

MassResistance’s 125-page Document Exposing Everything

After studying the bill, MassResistance got right to work educating the people in Massachusetts exactly what was in it and how it would reorder society.

Over several months, our research director, Amy Contrada, put together a 125-page compendium titled, β€œThe Coming Nightmare of a β€˜Transsexual Rights and Hate Crimes’ Law in Massachusetts: Why Bill H1722 Must be Defeated.”

It began with a detailed analysis of the entire text of the bill showing how the current laws would be changed. The main body of the document included chapters on the seven major areas of society that the bill would affect – lengthy descriptions of how the homosexual and transgender movements had already infiltrated them, and where this bill would move that agenda forward. It’s still considered the most thorough analysis of the LGBT movement in Massachusetts of that period.

Read the rest here.

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