How Same-Sex ‘Marriage’ Made the Transgender Madness Unstoppable

By The Ruth Institute Published on November 22, 2023

Attorney John Bursch serves as vice president of appellate advocacy for Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), the largest public-interest law firm in the world. He has argued 12 cases in the U.S. Supreme Court, defending religious liberty, free speech, parental rights, marriage, family, and the right to life. He is also the author of Loving Godโ€™s Children: The Church and Gender Ideology.

In this episode of The Dr. J Show, John Bursch and Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse discuss the evidence that transgenderism was always the plan once gay marriage was legalized.

โ€œIn the aftermath of Obergefell [the Supreme Court ruling that legalized gay marriage], the Left immediately pivoted to add the T to the LGB, and all of a sudden transgenderism was everywhere,โ€ John said.

โ€œIn the last several years, about 95% of my docket has been consumed by gender ideology-type cases. It started with high school boys who identified as girls so they could be in the girlsโ€™ locker room, restroom, or shower. Then it quickly moved into athletics, and you had women like our clients in Connecticut, four brave girls, who lost 15 state track and field titles to two boys who identify as girls.โ€

โ€œAfter that, it moved into the pronouns, and employees losing their jobs or being demoted or suffering other repercussions because they wouldnโ€™t use preferred pronouns and lie about the reality of someoneโ€™s sex.โ€

โ€œAnd then from there, it moved even more insidiously into schools. They introduced curriculum where they were asking kids as young as kindergarten to identify their gender. Then it got worse, and they started to develop plans where they could transition kids at school while keeping it a secret from their parents.โ€

Now in places like California, parents can have their children taken from them if they refuse to affirm their childโ€™s transgender identity.

Learn more about this and how gay marriage paved the way for all of these transgender issues by watching the full episode with our Locals community. Or, watch the first half on YouTube, Rumble, or Bitchute.

An Open Letter to My Parish Family

By Faith Hakesley at โ€œAdvice From a Survivorโ€

Recently my parish celebrated its 25-year anniversary. I didnโ€™t expect it to be an occasion of so many mixed emotions for me. It has turned out to be quite bittersweet. After all, the merger that joined four parishes in my hometown is what set in motion the events leading to me being sexually abused by a priest. While I never intended to say anything about how Iโ€™ve been feeling, something has been stirring in my heart, urging me to write my thoughts down …

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Parish communities can have big and lasting impacts on their members. This includes clerical abuse victims. Catholics either serve as the hands and feet of Christ on earth or not. Their responses to abuse situations can oftentimes โ€œmake or breakโ€ a victim …

Even if everyone in my own parish wasnโ€™t always loving and supportive, I was at least surrounded by love and support in my home during my times of greatest need. Sadly, not everyone has that.

Keep reading. 

Support the Ruth Institute Campaign to Fight Against Worldwide Therapy Bans


Victoria, Australia, passed a law in 2021 banning professionals and religious leaders from helping people overcome unwanted same-sex attraction. This includes counseling or even praying for a person to change his or her orientation. The government claims these activities do harm, and that people can’t change anyway.

They’re wrong.

Ruth Institute Research Associate Fr. Paul Sullins, Ph.D., proved, from the LGBT activists’ own research, that people can change their orientation and that doing so reduces suicide risk. With your help, the Ruth Institute will get his research in front of as many people as possible!

We Can Fight Back!

Take action against prayer and counseling bans. Help change the culture for the better. Support the Ruth Institute campaign to #ProtectTheDefectors from the LGBT+ lifestyle. Help people with same-sex attraction find hope and healing.

Support Counseling Freedom for All!

Finally, hereโ€™s a Ruth Institute tweet that started a kerfuffle, just for your edification.


The Ruth Institute is a global non-profit organization, leading an international interfaith coalition to defend the family and build a civilization of love. The Ruth Instituteโ€™s Founder and President, Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, is the author of The Sexual State: How Elite Ideologies Are Destroying Lives and Love and Economics: It Takes a Family to Raise a Village. Subscribe to our newsletter and YouTube channel to get all our latest news.

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