How Can We Help Our Children Envision God’s Vision for Them?

By Lee Ann Mancini Published on April 5, 2022

It’s wonderful to envision the plan God has for us now and for all eternity. I sometimes find myself daydreaming of what the Kingdom of God will look like as I look out upon the beautiful world he has created.

What is the difference between “vision” and “envision”? Vision is the ability to process what we see and think about, or plan, it. To envision is to imagine a future possibility, to visualize the future.

How can we help our children envision God’s vision for them? To visualize His purpose, His plans, and His desire for their heart and life?

Ideas for Family Discussion

Begin to have regular conversations with your child about what it means to have eyes that are opened. Explain that our natural eyes can see what is touchable, but the eyes of the heart can see what is spiritual. This helps us envision our lives with Jesus as our Savior and the Holy Spirit as our protector and guide. Use some of these ideas and incorporate them as a family or use them as a springboard for other possibilities and discussions:

Write down Bible verses about heaven and the kingdom of God. For younger children, have them draw a picture of what heaven might look like — these may become treasures to keep and frame. For older kids, have them write a story of what it would be like living in heaven, God’s kingdom — what would they do, say or experience living there? This will help them envision eternity and begin to grasp the reality of God’s home.

Explain to them that without Jesus we are blind to the good things that Jesus has for us — both now and in heaven, where we will have a future full of sweet things.

Hide a few pieces of candy. Blindfold your child and ask them if they think they can find the hidden candy with the blindfold on. After they say no, give them a few directives or hints so they can find the candy. Explain to them that without Jesus we are blind to the good things that Jesus has for us — both now and in heaven, where we will have a future full of sweet things. Ask your child what it means to have eyes that are opened. Explain that with our natural eyes we can see what is touchable, but the eyes of the heart see what is spiritual. In doing so, this helps our children to envision lives with Jesus as our Savior and the Holy Spirit as our protector and guide.

Living With Jesus as Our Savior

What is life like when we live with Jesus as our Savior? Help your children to understand the benefits we have when we know Jesus. Such as: With Jesus, His spirit indwells us and protects us. With Jesus, we will be in His holy loving and perfect presence for all eternity. When we have Jesus, we have a purpose here on earth and in heaven. Living with Jesus, we know what is true and real because He’s given us His holy Word, the Bible, to guide us and to teach us what is true.

With Jesus, we celebrate Christmas knowing that God sent His one and only Son into an imperfect world to show us the love of God. With Jesus, we celebrate His resurrection, praising Him for His sacrifice and thanking Him for covering our sin.

With Jesus we have hope, and we know that He listens to our prayers and answers them according to His good and perfect will. With Jesus we have a heart that can love others the way Jesus loves us.

Living Without Jesus as Our Savior

Conversely, what is life like without our personal Savior, Jesus? Children need to be aware of the consequences of not having Jesus in our lives. Without Jesus we would have no spiritual protection. Secondly, without Jesus we would have no real purpose. We would just exist and die.

Without Jesus we would have no foundation for truth. Truth would be based on what we feel and would change with every wind, fad or doctrine.

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Without Jesus there would be no reason to celebrate Christmas or Easter. Without Jesus we would have no reason to pray in hope for answered prayer. Likewise, without Jesus we would have cold, selfish hearts.

Ultimately, without Jesus we would suffer for all eternity.

Raising Christian Kids

In raising Christian kids, it’s important that we mold and saturate their hearts with who they are in Christ and what they have to look forward to in the future. As the world changes, it’s an abundant blessing to know that our Father loves us, will never leave us, and has wonderful plans for those who abide in Him.

In your day-to-day conversations, table talk, and activities, make it a habit to talk about living for God. Sow the seeds of envisioning life with Him now and forever.

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the door frames of your houses and on your gates.” (Deuteronomy 6:5-9)


Lee Ann is the host of the 2021 award-winning solo podcast, Raising Christian Kids, which can be found on all major platforms. She is an award-winning Christian children’s author and Executive Producer of the book and animation series Sea Kids, which can be viewed on Trinity Broadcasting Network, Pure Flix and Right Now Media, or purchased at Sea Kids TV.

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