A Hillary Supporter Mocks Our Warnings, Denying Reality

By Michael Brown Published on October 18, 2016

I don’t normally read the comments section to my articles, but during a break during radio on Monday, I clicked on a comment to my latest article on The Stream, “Christian Conservatives, Be Assured That President Hillary Clinton Will Declare War on You,” and I was sadly amused by this post from a woman named Jaq.

She wrote, “The ignorant fear-mongering of this post is unbelievable. Presidents do not ‘appoint’ supreme court justices, they only nominate. Anyone the president nominates has to be confirmed by congress.”

And, she continued, “Many Christians oppose laws that would imprison or put to death LGBT people. Clinton is hardly the only one who has criticized these types of laws.”

Then her intended coup de grace:

To be honest, majority of people are fed up with this type of article, we heard it all before: when Obama was re-elected, when Obama was elected, when Clinton was re-elected… seriously, my mom said people were telling her it was the end of American freedoms back when Kennedy was elected. Arguments based on warnings of doom are old, tired, and ineffectual. You all have been screaming wolf for decades and you still expect us to take you seriously?

My point in citing this is not to slam Jaq’s comments.

I’m glad she reads things she differs with, and she’s doing exactly what she’s supposed to do in the comments section by responding with her own perspective.

Instead, I want to highlight the massive blind spots in this perspective, blind spots which are commonly found among other liberals, and blind spots which caused her to describe my fact-based warnings as “unbelievable” and “ignorant fear-mongering.”

First (but least important of all), Jaq took issue with my speaking of Hillary Clinton “appointing” liberal judges to the Supreme Court, reminding us that the president can only nominate justices, who must then be approved by Congress.

Of course, we all know that, but it is common to speak of a president appointing justices, and as we saw during the Obama presidency, Congress was all too willing to confirm his radically left-wing appointees.

But that, again, is a quite minor issue of semantic nitpicking.

More important is her misstatement that Hillary Clinton has only criticized countries that want to put gays in prison or, worse still, execute gays.

Of course there are Christians around the world who are critical of these laws (including virtually all conservative Christian activists I work with in America), but that is not the only thing Hillary has criticized.

Rather, she wants African (and other) nations to embrace LGBT activism in general, including pro-gay educational curricula in the schools and same-sex “marriage” as an accepted cultural norm.

So we don’t have to speculate as to what she would push for here in America if elected president, given her close relationship with the gay-activist Human Rights Campaign and her mantra that “gay rights are human rights,” which means that anyone opposing LGBT causes is opposing fundamental human rights.

Jaq may call this “ignorant fear-mongering.” I call it being wise, reasonable, and pro-active. In fact, a young colleague wrote to me today and suggested I change the title of my article to, “Christian Conservatives, Hillary Clinton Has Already Declared War on You.”

Interestingly, Jaq claims that the “majority of people are fed up with this type of article,” but once again, her perceptions contrast starkly with reality.

Just on The Stream, within the first 48 hours, the article she scorned was shared about 43,000 times, while on my Facebook page, it reached almost 450,000 people.

That doesn’t mean the article is either right or good.

It simply means that people are quite interested in the subject matter, pointing to the alternate reality in which Jaq is living.

Again, she is absolutely entitled to her opinion, and I’m not in the least bit offended on a personal level. I’m simply exposing the contrast between her perceptions and the real world.

Finally, though, and most importantly, Jaq writes that, “Arguments based on warnings of doom are old, tired, and ineffectual. You all have been screaming wolf for decades and you still expect us to take you seriously?”

The answer is, yes, we do expect you to take us seriously, because the warnings have come to pass with shocking accuracy.

More and more books are being written on the very real attacks on our religious freedoms — and I mean right here in the good ol’ U.S.A. — while the articles documenting these attacks are far too numerous to cite. (Click here for a sampling of some of my relevant articles.)

Christian friends of mine have lost their jobs over their personally held beliefs, while Christian legal organizations have their hands full defending Christian students punished by universities and Christian business owners who have lost their businesses. The list goes on and on.

I would encourage Jaq (and others who share her perspective) to read my April 7, 2014 article, “I Hate to Say I Told You So,” which documents the stunning advances made by gay activists, almost always at the expense of Christian conservatives, just as we predicted in detail, as those who came out of the closet have been working hard to put us in the closet.

In that article, after pointing to specific predictions I had made in 2011 (which, to be candid, weren’t exactly rocket science), I wrote,

Yes, all this was written before the Mozilla [forced resignation of Brendan Eich] debacle (which was justified, absurdly, in the name of being ‘inclusive, safe, and welcoming to all’); before the Walt Disney Corporation gave the Boy Scouts of America an ultimatum that they had to accept openly homosexual Scout leaders or lose Disney’s financial support; before the Girl Scouts announced that boys who identify and present themselves as girls can join their Scouting clubs; before pastor Louie Giglio was disinvited from praying at President Obama’s second inauguration because he preached a biblical message on homosexuality more than 15 years ago; before the Supreme Court overturned the Defense of Marriage Act and the military overturned ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’; before the passing of ridiculous bills like California’s SB 777 (mandating the celebration of LGBT American history for all classes, K-12) and AB 1266 (allowing students to choose the bathroom of their personal gender identification as well as play on the sports team of their choice, using that locker room as well, resulting already in a 17-year-old boy playing on the girls’ softball team); before Facebook created the customized gender option with 50 gender choices; before different states banned professional counseling requested by minors with unwanted same-sex attractions; before companies like Sweet Cakes by Melissa were put out of business because they would not participate in same-sex ‘weddings’; and before Attorney General Eric Holder told state attorneys general that they were not required to uphold and defend laws against same-sex ‘marriage’ if they didn’t want to — just to mention a few.

Far from engaging, then, in “ignorant fear-mongering,” I am sounding the alarm based on Hillary Clinton’s past and present, along with the past and present of her closest allies, with all of this strikingly reinforced by more and more email revelations provided by WikiLeaks.

So, if Jaq had said, “I agree with Hillary. You Christian conservatives deserve to be muzzled,” I would have applauded her candor, despite her dangerous convictions.

But when she mocks the warnings, she denies reality, mistaking truth-telling for fear-mongering.

So I repeat the warning with which I ended my last article: You have been forewarned.

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