Lifetime TV Star and Mother of Four: New York Abortion Law ‘Heartbreaking’

By Victoria Robinson Published on January 27, 2019

The picture on the left is my granddaughter, who at this very moment is growing in her Mommy’s belly, along with her twin sister. My daughter is 24 weeks pregnant. Today, in our country, if she chose to do so, she could walk into an abortion clinic and abort both her daughters.

Does my granddaughter resemble a human being or a blob of tissue to you? I find this little girl to be beautiful as she continues to grow in the safety of her mother’s womb. 

The picture on the right is another one of my daughters, who is 41 weeks pregnant. As I write this piece, I am in Maui and awaiting my granddaughter’s arrival. She will be born any day now.  

New York’s Abortion Bill

This week, New York state passed a bill to legalize abortion up to birth, thanks to Hillary Clinton, Andrew Cuomo, and the abortion industry, who have pushed this bill for over ten years.    

There was cheering as the announcement was made that the bill had passed. Cheering. Let that sink in. Governor Cuomo then ordered the World Trade Center be lit pink to celebrate. Pink? I think red would have been more appropriate, symbolizing blood and the continued loss of life to come. 

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Once again, our country has reiterated that the womb is one of the most dangerous places to reside.

Do you hear and understand what I’m saying?! Science has proven we are human with our own unique DNA at conception. Ultrasound has proven babies feel pain in the womb, with a heartbeat detected as early as 4 to 7 weeks after conception.  


My heart is broken. Absolutely broken. Not only for the future of these unborn babies, but for their parents when they one day realize what they’ve done. I truly feel sick to my stomach. 

Whether you are pro-life or pro-choice this bill should break your heart too.

Recently, a male teenager asked me “How can it be double homicide if you murder a pregnant woman and yet that same mother can choose to take the life of her unborn child if she doesn’t want it?” What do we say to young people looking to us for answers to unanswerable questions?! 

There has never been a case and there never will be where it is necessary to abort a full-term baby to save the life of the mother. If the mother’s life were in danger, the doctor would simply deliver the child!

In the State of NY, it is illegal to use lethal injection on a criminal. Yet, with the passing of this bill, it is now legal to use lethal injection on a full-term baby. Let that sink in for a minute. 

God help us.

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