Hey Gallup, Here are Some Women Really Worthy of Admiration

By Jennifer Hartline Published on January 2, 2018

This news deserves a double face-palm, some gymnastic eye-rolling, and then a paper bag. The Gallup poll says Hillary Clinton is the most admired woman in America. (Barack Obama is the most admired man.)

C’mon people! An egomaniac and demonstrable liar? Who by every measure of actual justice belongs in prison? Our most admired woman?

We can do much better. I offer some alternatives — women whose lives and work we can truly applaud, admire, and desire to emulate. Women radiant with feminine genius and beauty. Women of integrity, truth, courage and virtue.

Nuns, a Congresswoman, and an Ambassador

The Little Sisters of the Poor: Not just one woman, but a group of women. These Catholic nuns’ sole mission in life is to serve and care for the elderly poor. The elderly poor. The people everyone else forgets about or wants to discard. They love them, care for them and tend to their needs all because they see Jesus in each of those elderly poor.

The most admired man in America — ahem — decided to drag those selfless nuns to court to force them to pay for other women’s birth control. But they have more courage in their work-worn little fingers than Emperor Obama ever expected. They will never bow to anyone other than Jesus Christ the King. The fought the outrageous birth control mandate all the way to the Supreme Court.

President Trump finally ended the HHS mandate in October, bringing the Sisters’ ordeal to a close. But then in November some Democrats decided  to drag the Sisters back to court. Once again, they will not compromise what is right for the sake of sparing themselves the cost of being true to their Faith. They are absolutely heroic women, truly admirable in every sense.

Mia Love: The daughter of Haitian immigrants and the first black female Republican elected to Congress, Love is a dynamic, courageous voice for life and for conservative women and policies. Which is why she is despised by Democrats and her political accomplishments are ignored. Love candidly gave Michelle Obama what-for when she tried to say the Republican Party is just a bunch of old white guys.

Nikki Haley: Here’s a woman who merits the honor of being the first female President of the United States. As Ambassador to the United Nations, she’s been kickin’ butt and taking names. Slash the UN budget by $285 million American dollars? Done. Said Haley, “The inefficiency and overspending of the United Nations are well known. We will no longer let the generosity of the American people be taken advantage of or remain unchecked.”

Also the daughter of immigrants, Haley was the first female governor of South Carolina. A TIME magazine “most influential person” in 2016, she is a strong advocate for Life, school choice, enforcement of immigration laws, and fiscal accountability. She certainly does women proud.

Three More Heroes 

Immaculée Ilibigaza: She survived the savage genocide in her native Rwanda by hiding for 91 days in a 3×4 foot bathroom with seven other women. Read that again and consider the reality. When the women could finally come out, Immaculée weighed only 65 pounds. She was 22 years old. She tells her incredible story in Left to Tell.

When she stood face to face with one of the men responsible for killing her whole family, she said simply, “I forgive you.” Today she speaks about the power of peace, forgiveness, faith and hope to everyone from political leaders to school children. I had the honor of meeting her a few years ago. She simply exudes grace, love and pure joy. Admirable? That doesn’t even begin to describe her.

Reggie Littlejohn: The founder of Women’s Rights Without Frontiers, she fights to expose the truth about forced abortions, gendercide, and sexual slavery in China. She is a loud voice and a fierce advocate for females who have no voice. Very few are willing to talk about China’s horrendous One-Child Policy, a real “war on women.” Reggie Littlejohn does. She fights tirelessly for the most vulnerable of women.

Last but not least, a lioness who is such a beautiful, formidable figure of womanhood. Obianuju “Uju” Ekeocha is the founder of Culture of Life Africa, “an initiative dedicated to the promotion and defense of the African values of the sanctity of life, beauty of marriage, blessings of motherhood, and the dignity of family life.”

Uju is absolutely fearless in confronting the “ideological colonization” of the West that would love to impose hormonal contraception and abortion on the African countries. Listen to her denounce this “offer” of “choice” from the West during a United Nations meeting in 2016. Read her
bold confrontation of Melinda Gates’ efforts to enforce the sexual revolution on Africans. Uju is one of my heroes. 

These tremendous women are truly worthy of admiration. Stick that in your pathetic Gallup poll and smoke it.

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