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Support The StreamHeidi Cruz Under Attack for Christian Beliefs
Ted Cruz’s wife Heidi has been working hard, talking with supporters and going on the air to discuss her husband’s campaign. Like Ted, Heidi often talks openly about her faith — and that has some up in arms this week.
Mrs. Cruz was interviewed by South Carolina radio host Vince Coakley Wednesday, where she told him that even if he weren’t her husband, she would work for Ted Cruz’s campaign because she believes in his vision for America. Here’s the clip that offended secularists’ sensibilities:
“We are at a cultural crossroads in our country, and if we can be in this race to show this country the face of the God that we serve —” Mrs. Cruz said. “This Christian God that we serve is the foundation of our country; our country was built on Judeo-Christian values. We are a nation of freedom of religion, but the God of Christianity is the God of freedom, of individual liberty, of choice and of consequence.”
So the Cruzes want America to see who God is and to understand how freedom is a gift from Him, one that is best understood by the Christian faith. And that made some secularist bloggers and former Obama campaign staffers flip out.
Mediaite interpreted Mrs. Cruz’s words as “bizarre rant.”
Secularists also had a hard time when Heidi Cruz defended Christians as “loving,” “nonjudgmental people” who understand that “there is right and wrong, we have a country of law and order, there are consequences to actions and we must all live peaceably in our own faiths under the Constitution. And Ted is uniquely able to deliver on that combination of the law and religion.”
Jon Green, an Obama campaign staffer who specializes in “political cognition,” somehow read “all live peaceably in our own faiths under the Constitution” as “Ted Cruz wants a theocracy!”:
Thomas Jefferson envisioned a wall of separation between Church and State. Ted Cruz envisions that wall being torn down entirely. He’s not judging, he just thinks people who disagree are wrong and bad.
It remains to be seen whether the dustup will hurt the Cruz campaign among less religious GOP voters, or merely rally support to the couple.