Has the Vatican Gone Lavender?

Dr. Morse gives her views on what we can take away from the happenings in Rome.
Some crazy stuff is going on out there. Do we have to believe it all? Do we have to listen to what they say?
Dr. Morse shares what Catholics should do regarding the leadership of the Church.
What About People Who Want to Change Orientation?
A study was released stating that Sexual Orientation Change Efforts (SOCE) were not only ineffective, but harmful and dangerous. Fr. Paul Sullins, Ph.D., looked at that same study and discovered that the data actually shows that SOCE did not harm people, and, in fact, often helped them.
Therapy bans have been enacted in 27 states and several countries, largely based on false testimonies and faulty studies like this one. Yet, when Fr. Sullins has pointed out this flawed analysis, the LGBT lobby attacked him.
What are they afraid of? Why do they not want people getting help who want it? Further, what’s going on inside the mind of someone seeking help for unwanted same-sex attraction?
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Fr. Sullins explains all this and more.
Watch the full episode with our Locals community. Or, watch the first half on YouTube, Rumble, or Bitchute.
Healing From the Desire for Revenge
By Faith Hakesley at Advice From a Survivor.
You’ve probably heard, “Two wrongs don’t make a right.” This seems like a simple concept, and yet often we try to justify hurting others because they hurt us. Tit for tat, and all that.
Even if revenge feels like the only way to right a wrong, it’s not the solution. Pursuing revenge is wrong and can be dangerous. It doesn’t usually fix anything and doesn’t win you back any power. Healing from the desire for revenge is the only way to move forward on the path towards peace and freedom.
Are People Born Gay?
Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse joins the Issues, Etc. podcast to discuss her eBook: Refuting the Top 5 Gay Myths. They get into the science of sexual orientation and the arguments about whether or not gay is the new “African American.”
The Ruth Institute is a global non-profit organization, leading an international interfaith coalition to defend the family and build a civilization of love. The Ruth Institute’s Founder and President, Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, is the author of The Sexual State: How Elite Ideologies Are Destroying Lives and Love and Economics: It Takes a Family to Raise a Village. Subscribe to our newsletter and YouTube channel to get all our latest news.