New Center for Medical Progress Video: ‘HARVEST’ — Planned Parenthood’s Custom Abortions for Better Baby Parts

By Published on January 12, 2016

The Center for Medical Progress (CMP) on Tuesday released a powerful recap of excerpts from its series of undercover videos of the abortion industry. Entitled “Harvest,” the video shows top executives from Planned Parenthood and StemExpress nonchalantly discussing the dismembering, purchasing and shipping of preborn babies for profit.


The video suggest that the market for intact hearts, livers and other body parts creates strong incentives for abortion provider giant Planned Parenthood to alter the method of procurement by performing illegal partial-birth abortions. According to abortionist Dr. Deborah Nucatola, the Partial Birth Abortion law is “up to interpretation,” which abortionists can easily side-step. “If I say on day one I intend to do this,” she says, “what ultimately happens doesn’t matter.”


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