Happy Earth Day! ‘In the Beginning, the Lord Created the Heavens and the Earth’

Let's celebrate the earth this week with thanksgiving and praise, not dreary obligation.

By Austin Roscoe Published on April 22, 2018

I’ve never celebrated Earth Day. What’s the point of holding a gloom-and-doom fest every year? The message is: “You’re messing up this world. Fix it before it falls apart and we all die!” Paraphrased, of course. To say it so directly would be horrible marketing. But the motivational message remains one not of joy and thanksgiving, but fear and obligation.

That’s why I’ve decided to start a new tradition. Forget Earth Day, we have an account of the earth’s entire first Week. And I plan to celebrate accordingly. I mean, why waste a day with the Debbie Downers when you can spend seven in awe?

The World Can Keep Its Day of Gloom

Don’t get me wrong, we must take care of the earth. “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” And “the Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it” (Genesis 1:1, 2:15). But when we give, in this case of our time and service, Paul says to do so with a cheerful heart.

That’s why I’ll be praising the Lord today as I prune my peach trees and clean the litter out of my yard. (I live right next to a busy highway.)

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Will you join me this week in celebrating and thanking God for his beautiful creation? Check back every day for a new piece highlighting God’s wonderful craftsmanship and creativity.

And, without further ado: Day One.

On the First Day of Creation

Genesis 1.1-5

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