Stephen Meyer: Did God Need Darwin?
The age of the earth may be the most heated origins-related debate dividing Christians, but it’s not the only one. There’s also dispute over “theistic evolution,” the idea that life developed pretty much as evolutionary theory supposes, except God was involved in it somehow. Some prefer to call it “evolutionary creationism.”
But whatever name you give it, there are problems with theistic evolution. Explore them in depth in a new (1,000-page!) volume called Theistic Evolution: A Scientific, Philosophical, and Theological Critique. I’m well into it, and I’m enjoying the read.
In case that seems a bit long to you, this video gives you a shorter version covering many of the scientific problems with theistic evolution. Stephen C. Meyer holds a Ph.D. in the philosophy of science from the University of Cambridge. He has published two major scientific critiques of Darwinian evolution. Maddeningly, bookstores like to shelve these books in the religion section, but they are science, through and through. So is this lecture.
See the conference YouTube channel for more.