‘God Made Two Great Lights’ on the Fourth Day of Creation
Editor’s Note: The Stream is running a 7 part Earth Week series celebrating each day of the first week of creation. You can find previous articles at the EarthWeek2018 series page. Be sure to check back every day this week!
And it was so that God created the sun and the moon on day four.
Can you imagine a world without the sun and moon? The global ecosystem wouldn’t be able to exist! Aside from that minor detail, there’d be no easy, natural way to measure time, and no concept of years. No waves in the ocean. No warm rays of sun on a cold day! Nothing for George Bailey to lasso in It’s a Wonderful Life.
Earth would be pretty bland. And those plants from yesterday wouldn’t have been around for very long, that’s for sure.
Let’s thank God today for creating the sun, the moon, and the stars. (Even if you, like I, haven’t seen any of them behind the clouds today!)