Frozen Embryo Court Case and the IVF Contradiction

Dr. John Di Camillo, PhD, assists hospital ethics committees and manages the National Catholic Bioethics Center’s free consultation service. There he fields tough questions on topics such as:
- Sexual orientation and gender identity.
- End-of-life issues.
- Brain death and organ donation.
- Reproductive technologies.
- Pregnancy complications.
- “Cooperation with evil” situations such as assisting in scheduling abortion appointments.
In this episode of the Dr. J Show, he speaks with Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse about the Alabama Supreme Court’s recent ruling case involving frozen embryos who were destroyed without the parents’ consent. The parents of these children sued the fertility clinics where their embryos were stored for wrongful death.
This case raised questions regarding who are considered human beings. If frozen embryos aren’t children, are they medical waste? Is in-vitro fertilization ethical in the first place?
“We’ve created a new realm where tiny children can be vulnerable in a way they never ever could be in the whole history of humanity,” Di Camillo said. “You’ve exposed this child now to manipulation by human hands. … This child comes into the world in a cold laboratory setting as opposed to the warmth of a mother’s womb, close to her heart.
“No human being should ever be frozen in liquid nitrogen.”
Learn more about the injustices of the fertility industry and what ethically can be done about frozen embryos by watching the full episode on Locals. Or watch the first half on YouTube, Bitchute, or Odysee.
Kids Need Their Parents: Memoir Provides a Welcome Relief
COMMENTARY: The elites of our society have concocted an elaborate belief system to justify themselves as they sacrifice the needs of children to the desires of adults.
By Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse March 20, 2024 at National Catholic Register
As someone who has been promoting the family for decades, I am delighted to see a new, fresh, young voice proclaiming the core message that kids need their parents. Robert Kim Henderson, with a bachelor’s degree from Yale and a doctorate in psychology from Cambridge, has written not an academic tome, but a memoir.
Henderson did not come to Yale and Cambridge by the usual routes. He came via family breakdown, foster care and the U.S. military.
In his memoir, Troubled: A Memoir of Foster Care, Family and Social Class, he recounts his tumultuous childhood. His earliest memory is of being taken away from his drug-addicted mother at age 3. Little Robbie entered the California foster-care system. He was angry, unhappy and marginally literate. He recalls the stress surrounding his multiple placements: unreliable adults, minimal supervision, limited food, and a bevy of temporary foster siblings, who, like him, would come and go.
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When he was adopted by the Hendersons at age 7, he hardly dared to believe this would be permanent. For the first time, he was welcomed by his new sister, the Hendersons’ daughter by birth, who was three years younger than he. “No more moving,” he thought. “Realizing that my sister and I would not be taken from each other filled me with unexpected joy.” His love for his sister shines throughout the memoir.
This part of Henderson’s memoir tugged at my heartstrings and my own memories as a foster mother in San Diego County from 2003 to 2005. We didn’t have any kids with a history as rough as little Robbie’s. But I can testify that kids in our care were deeply attached to their siblings. We made a point of making sure they got to visit with their siblings who were placed in other foster homes.
I can also testify to this: Our foster kids really wanted their moms and dads to pull themselves together and be appropriate parents. They’d rather live with their parent or parents in the back of a car than with us in our big, comfortable house.
Back to Rob Henderson’s story. His adoptive parents, whom he thought would be his forever parents, divorced. His mom explained their new living arrangements.
Midweek Motivation: You Can Do Hard Things
By Faith Hakesley at “Advice from a Survivor”
No matter what has happened in your life, no matter what anyone has done to you, and no matter what mistakes you have made, you have shown that you can do hard things. You have come this far. By the grace of God, you have gotten through difficult times that you probably thought you never would.
You are stronger and mightier than you realize. Keep going!
None of us is superhuman. There is no need to pretend that we are. We all have our weaknesses, but God gives us strength to persevere through every challenge we face. When you feel weighed down by suffering, remember to take a moment to breathe, pray, and invite God in. Ask Him for the grace to surrender to Him. God will give you the gifts you need to suffer well, and He will do beautiful things with your suffering.
The Ruth Institute is a global nonprofit organization, leading an international interfaith coalition to defend the family and build a civilization of love. Founder and President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse is the author of The Sexual State: How Elite Ideologies are Destroying Lives and Love and Economics: It Takes a Family to Raise a Village.