From Liberation Theology to Churchianity Yesterday, It’s Still ‘Get Woke, Go Broke’

By John Zmirak Published on August 20, 2023

First, I want to correct a few unfounded rumors. No, Christianity Today has not contracted with Dylan Mulvaney as the magazine’s new spokesmodel. Stop repeating that on social media, people. It’s just too on the nose to be true.

Also, the magazine has not renamed itself Churchianity Yesterday. That’s merely the name that I’ve given it, but it will likely be months or even years before the magazine’s leadership admits that I’m right, and rechristens itself in the interests of gospel candor.

But the magazine now edited by Russell Moore charges on with its mission of appealing to Joe Biden voters, dead-end NeverTrump zealots, and veal-white guilt-haunted nebbishes in rainbow-colored dashikis. The Western Journal reports:

Christianity Today has yet again proven that the once-revered outlet has dramatically strayed from the mission on which it was founded under the Rev. Billy Graham in 1956.

CT showed how warped it has become in the culture war this week with its open praise for both the feminist hellscape portrayed in the “Barbie” movie and the unabashed LGBT ally Taylor Swift.

The outlet also made certain to criticize the viral country song “Rich Men North of Richmond” by Oliver Anthony, which garnered more than 10 million views on YouTube within a week of its release.

On Wednesday, CT published an article by Beth Felker Jones claiming that Barbie and Swift’s recent successes “showcase a deeper desire for community and collective joy.”

“These cultural artifacts draw on the ambiguities of the female experience, celebrating the feminine while honestly addressing the difficulties of being a woman in a male-oriented world,” Jones wrote.

A day later, an article by Hannah Anderson — headlined “Oliver Anthony’s Viral Hit Doesn’t Love Its Neighbors” — attacked the song for being “disdainful towards people on welfare.”

Jones’ CT article also praised the “Barbie” movie, which stars Margot Robbie, painting in a positive light a film that includes a scene involving a male doctor character cross-dressing as a female Barbie doll.

The movie also has clear anti-male and anti-family themes.

Christianity Today continued to move away from its proud legacy with a piece on Aug. 10 that appeared to justify recent Ohio legislation that would have made it more difficult to outlaw abortion in the state.

Big Pharma Wants to Help Your Seminary

I should make it clear that I do not read the magazine in question. At this point, reading Christianity Today just seems a bit … cruel, like gloating over once-gorgeous actresses who wrecked their faces through bad plastic surgery. (Yes, there are websites devoted to that. No, I’m not providing any links to them. You should be ashamed … .)

Christianity Today may be Woke, but I don’t think that it will go broke. It has received grants of almost $1 million from the Lilly Foundation, whose Big Pharma patron aggressively supports the LGBT juggernaut rolling over our churches. It is also helpful to know that the Lilly Foundation is pouring money into … reshaping seminaries, teaching them how to appeal more to “Latinx” (Lilly’s word) seminarians. How much money does Lilly stand to make from providing fake hormones to poor souls caught up by the Transgender cult? Perhaps it’s un-Christian to ask.

The Gospel of Mammon, Plus Gulags

It would take the same kind of wanton, bitter person who Googles “bad plastic surgery” and “actress” to gloat about the fate of my own Catholic Church in Latin America, which was corrupted and almost killed by Liberation Theology. Planted in Latin America directly by the Soviet KGB (as The Stream reported), Liberation Theology is a political hijack of Christianity meant to restore some zombie life to the rotting corpse of Marxism. People waste years of their lives studying the movement’s tedious, Teutonic tracts (it was carried to Latin America by German Jesuits), but I can save you that time.

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Liberation Theology is actually quite simple: You pretend that Jesus came here to conquer not sin, but the Roman empire. (Forget what a bad job He seemed to do at that.) Obsess about worldly wealth and power and fixate on stuff that other people have … which you want for yourself. But instead of doing something non-violent (like praying or working) to grow your own share, you join a revolutionary movement that wants to seize wealth and power from your neighbors, and put them in prison camps if they object.

Liberation Theology got pushed heavily by the KGB and duped Catholic clergy from the late 1960s on, and its attempt to remake Jesus as a proto-Marxist zealot intent on world revolution … drove off real Christians in droves. Many became Pentecostalists instead, creating thriving churches from Mexico City to Patagonia.

Oops, I Did It Again

But don’t take my word for that. I’m just repeating the message of … one of the founding fathers of Liberation Theology itself, Rev. Clodovis Boff — whose brother, Leonardo Boff, wrote Liberation Theology’s seminal texts. According to CNA News, Clodovis now regrets the whole thing:

The long dominance of liberation theology is at the root of the decline of Catholicism in Brazil, according to Friar Clodovis Boff.

Boff was an important theologian of liberation theology … . [Now] Boff has written a book calling for a re-centering of the Latin American Catholic Church in Christ. “It is necessary for the Church to once again emphasize Christ as priest, as master and Lord, and not just the fight against poverty and the climate crisis,” he said at the launch of the book The Crisis in the Catholic Church and Liberation Theology.

In the late 1960s, when liberation theology began its long dominion of religious thought in Brazil, more than 90% of Brazilians were Catholics.

Since then, the percentage of Catholics in the Brazilian population has decreased and now stands at 51%.

Moreover, Brazilian Catholics have a very low rate of church attendance. A survey conducted by Georgetown University’s Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA) in 36 countries last year showed that only 8% of Brazilian Catholics go to Mass on Sunday. The rate was the third lowest among the analyzed countries.

For Boff and Rasera, the decline in church attendance is due to the deposit of faith not being passed on.

According to the friar, this is leading many Catholics to Protestantism, esotericism, neopaganism, and even Satanism.

Maybe the Lilly Foundation can bail out the Catholic church in Brazil. Or just acquire it (see Christianity Today).


John Zmirak is a senior editor at The Stream and author or co-author of ten books, including The Politically Incorrect Guide to Immigration and The Politically Incorrect Guide to Catholicism. He is co-author with Jason Jones of “God, Guns, & the Government.”

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