FRC’s Tony Perkins Calls for a Day of Prayer Following Charlottesville Violence

By Nancy Flory Published on August 18, 2017

Family Research Council’s President Tony Perkins called for a day of prayer and reconciliation yesterday in light of the recent violence around the removal of historical statues.

In a statement on FRC’s website, Perkins said that the nation is divided and in crisis. “We are no longer talking to each other β€” only screaming at one another. We are like a married couple in crisis.” He also said that “tearing down statues and inciting violence is not the way forward,” and that he prefers restoration of relationships.

“What I believe the president should do is call for a time out and call for a day of prayer for America’s healing.” For those who don’t want to pray, he suggests “have a Day of Silence.”

“Nothing good can come from the current shouting match that the Left and Right is engaged in β€” we are bitterly divided and the fissure is only getting deeper by the day.” While he said we should “ratchet down the rhetoric,” we “should go a step further this time and let us take a day to seek God and pray for him to bring healing to our nation.”

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