Flags, Pride and Wanting Independence From the King
It is easy to love the Good Shepherd. But do we love the King, as King?
Sometimes a revolution is the right thing to do. When King George III stands between you and freedom, itβs what must be done. But not every king is oppressive and unreasonable.
Today a counterfeit church is rising. A new war for independence is underway. This time, however, Americans who rebel against the King will lose everything.
In the Catholic Church, the end of the liturgical year is marked with the feast of Jesus Christ, King of the Universe. How often anymore do we hear Christ hailed as King?
It is easy to love the Good Shepherd. Easy to love the Lamb of God. But do we love the King, as King?
In our time, Jesus has been turned into an agreeable, gentle, supremely tolerant guy. Even in the Church, He is becoming only a comforting, reassuring friend. Modern “doctrine” says He comes only to walk with us wherever we’re headed, following patiently behind us. He wants to make sure we feel happy, accepted and affirmed at all times.
What a likable Jesus, passive and amiable, not talking about repentance or commandments. That would require speaking of sin, and that’s such an unpleasant word. And please, no more of this “deny yourself, take up your cross, and follow Me” business. No, Jesus knows that I can never be happy if I have to deny myself! I must do whatever I feel is right is for me.
We’ve locked Jesus in as a best friend, and only that. We have forgotten that Jesus Christ is our Sovereign King. He is Lord and Ruler over everything. As King, He has all power in Heaven and on earth.
As King, He has supreme authority over us. He alone establishes the laws that govern us, according to His design and His will. By His own authority He determines right from wrong, and no one has any right to contradict Him.
As King, He deserves β and make no mistake here, He commands β our obedience. Ah β there it is. I wonder if there’s any word that causes the modern mind and heart more distress and rebellion than obedience.
Independence from the King
Americans fought a war to gain independence from the king of England so they could live in freedom. Now it seems many Christians are fighting a war to gain independence from the King so they can live as they choose, free from moral constraints not of their making.
They want to be free of the laws they now find oppressive and intolerant. They call those laws unloving. As if the King of Love could ever give us a law devoid of love! But they’ve decided they know better. Timeless truths are just meaningless, outdated ideas now, because times have changed. Our culture understands more now than people did back then. We’ve grown beyond those bigoted beliefs. We’re better than that now.
Modern Christianity has “progressed” beyond even our King. And if they can’t exactly gain complete independence from Him (after all, they still want Heaven!) then they must find a way to adapt the King to this new ideology. They must “discover” how wrong all of Christendom has been all this time to have thought these laws were His.
So what if Christ Himself taught us that marriage is a covenant between a man and a woman for life? So what if the Word (Christ!) says that from the beginning, the human person was created male and female, for each other?
So what if the marriage covenant represents the mystical union of Christ and the Church?
So what if the biological and physical complimentary differences between man and woman reveal that their sexual union is ordained by God and purposefully ordered? So what if there’s profound truth revealed in the fact that it takes man and woman to procreate? It certainly couldn’t be God’s perfect and holy design for the human family.
Natural law, moral law, rights of children, duty of parents, sanctity of marriage, purity and chastity β all of that be damned. (After all, Jesus never really said ________ was a sin!)
No, the Church that taught all those things must have been under the influence of a weaker, ignorant Holy Spirit. Today, say these Christians, we have the benefit of a braver, all-inclusive, enlightened Spirit who has simply been waiting all these centuries for mankind to finally arrive at a place of openness and tolerance. At last we can finally understand Scripture properly!
Waving the Emblem of Defiance
These false Christians are waving the rainbow flag with pride (ahem), and in doing so they declare their allegiance to the kingdom of this world. They promote sodomy, fornication, adultery, the mockery of marriage, and insidious gender ideology as virtue. This counterfeit church willingly bows before the political and ideological princes of our day.
The rainbow flag now symbolizes their moral and spiritual independence defiance. They’re led by pastors, preachers, deacons, priests, and bishops who tickle their ears with reassuring but false teachings. All these have traded in sound doctrine for soothing, self-affirming psalms of “accompaniment.” (2Tim 4:3-4)
The wolf has been granted free roam in the pasture, picking off the lambs while the shepherds smile.
All Hail the King of Kings
No one can avoid answering the question: Whom will you serve?
Our American ideals may be built around autonomy and self-determination, but if we follow Christ, we do so as obedient servants of our King. It’s not independence from “archaic” and “intolerant” beliefs we need, but freedom from pride and sin and death, which our King has already won for us at the price of His own blood. (Romans 6:17-18, 22-23)
Yes, Jesus is our Good Shepherd, the meek and humble Lamb of God, and the truest friend we will ever have. He is also our Sovereign King. We cannot say we love Him if we are unwilling to obey Him. (John 14:23-24)
“To the King of ages, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever Amen.”